Chapter 2 - Vacation

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Alexander wanted to hit himself with a book many times, and only the fact that Jefferson might see him like this was preventing him from doing so. 

He couldn't quit, he couldn't be fired. He needed this job, because nowhere else would he find someone like Washington, and he begrudgingly accepted that. But the problem was Jefferson. 
He had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had a huge family estate and inheritance, and Alex knew that Jefferson could quit without a second thought and live out the rest of his days in peace with his immense ego in place. So, he was just sat in his office, at the break of dawn, and currently contemplating running away, a lazy text sent to Jefferson telling him he would be here if Jefferson did decide to not resign,  when he suddenly heard a knock at his door. 

Alex assumed it was John coming to pick him up as he had instructed (more like begged) him to, and opened the door. And there stood -


"Get in the car, darlin'," Jefferson drawled, holding a little bamboo-colored tote bag. "I brought snacks."
Alex was dumbfounded. 
Did Jefferson somehow agree to Washington's terms?
He must've seen the confused expression on Alex's face, as a grin broke on his and he clarified, "Unlike your opinion of me, Hamil-shit, I too enjoy my job, and would not like to give it up. So I will deal with your incessant talking if you follow my rules in my house."

Alex grumbled and picked up his small suitcase, which was mostly books. He had previously asked Hercules to get the suitcase to the office in the dead of night when he had dropped Alex off, and he could barely lift it now, in his sleep-deprived self. 
"Wow, Hamilton, can't even pick up a small suitcase, is it?" Jefferson mocked him, lunging down to grab the handle of the emerald suitcase and pulling it towards him. 
"Shut up, Jefferson," Alex said through gritted teeth.
"Will do, after I tell you how it'll work," Jefferson said, handing Alex the tote bag and pulling the suitcase behind him. They took the lift down to the parking lot, and Jefferson walked towards his car, which was a Porsche. 


Jefferson loaded the suitcase into the front and Alex opened the door to the passenger's seat  and sat down there. When Jefferson opened the door to the driver's seat and sat down, Alex crossed his arms. 
"So how will this work?" he asked in a low voice. 
"Patience, young grasshopper," Jefferson replied, and started the car. "Do you want to stop for coffee?"
"Of course you do."

Jefferson and Alex drove to the nearest Starbucks, where Jefferson insisted on paying for Alex's venti black coffee, and took a mocha frappucino with three shots of espresso and heavy cream, blended twice, with a sprinkle of nutmeg, and extra sugar. 

"What a monstrosity," Alex muttered, still groggy from his missed hour of sleep from the usual three. "Children can handle more coffee than that."
"At least I don't drink a liquid that tastes like the essence of bitterness, Hamilton," Jefferson shot back, taking a sip of his coffee. "Black coffee, that too a venti? You most definitely have a caffeine addiction."
"Shut it, Jefferson, and tell me how this 'vacation' is going to not make us kill each other," Alex said, cradling the cup in his sweater-sleeve covered hand and basking from the warmth it provided him.
"How are you still cold?" Jefferson inquired. "You have two sweaters on."
"Let me be."

Jefferson huffed. "Fine. So this is what will happen - you will stay in the guest wing, which is on the east side, and I'm in the west wing. Everything that you need will be provided by Sally, my housekeeper -"
"You have a housekeeper?"
"Yes, I do. And as Washington 'suggested', we will be spending exactly three hours together in a day, and I would prefer if that encapsulates dinner and a movie so we do not have to speak -"
"Like a reverse date," Alex interrupted, taking a swig from his cup.

Jefferson snorted. "Sure."
Alex grinned. 
"Anyway, I get to pick the movies -"
"- stop whining. It's my house. I get to pick the movies, and that's it. I assume that you have brought at least 25 papers to write with you -"
"51, actually -"
"- so the day can be spent doing that. You have full access to my library-"
"Of course you have a library -"
"- and that should be enough. No soliciting outside of times, and I shall not kill you. Deal?"

Alexander weighed his options. On one side, there was 'peaceful' coexistence with his arch nemesis, and having to tolerate three hours of him a day, which was less than the workplace amount - and on the other side, there was losing his job. 
Alex decided that maybe getting so much work done wasn't such a bad idea after all. 

"Deal," he said, while Jefferson sipped on his drink. 
"Fine, finish up your coffee, I don't want you staining the seat."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Alex replied, grinning. "What movie today?"
"I've been dying to see Up," Jefferson said, swirling his drink. 
"You haven't seen Up?!" Alex screeched, startling nearby customers. 
"Keep your voice down," Jefferson chided. 
"You haven't seen Up?" Alex repeated, in a lower voice. 
"No, Alexander, unlike some people, I have actual work."
"John dragged me along to see it once."
"Isn't Laurens your assistant?" Jefferson asked. 
"We met in college, he was my roommate, and now he works as my assistant because he wants to work with turtles and is finishing up his Masters after his father died."
"Why does his father -"
"His father is rich and got mad at Laurens because he was gay. Mad homophobe, I know. So he cut off his college tuition, and he needed work, and he is one of the few people I do not mind seeing everyday."
"Unlike me," Jefferson smirked, slurping up the last bits of his frappucino. 
"Unlike you," Alex agreed, also finishing his drink. 

They left the coffee shop, got in the car, and Jefferson put on the radio. Taylor Swift's Teardrops on My Guitar started playing, and Jefferson groaned and went on to turn it off, when Alex slapped his hand on the radio button to prevent Jefferson from doing that. 

"Don't you dare, this is my jam," Alex grumbled, and sang along under his breath. Jefferson let out a little laugh and started driving, but what Alex didn't notice was the small smile on Jefferson's face as he listened to Alex sing along to Taylor Swift hour on the radio. 

A/N - I love Taylor Swift. So much. 
Plus, look at them being the cuties they are :) The next chapter mayhaps will explain why 
1) Up is important to the story
2) The story's title
So stay tuned! (hehe get it)

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