Chapter Four: I Won't Tell

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*Averen, age 7.
*Escape land.

Dad is… gone.

He left us on the most sacred day of all.
But it’s... okay.

Maybe, something urgent came up and he had to leave?
But, why is mommy crying so much?

Daddy might be coming back a few days later. He won’t take long.


     That was only a theory. A childish dream. Two years have passed by and still no sign of my father’s return.

He abandoned us… he left me.
Daddy doesn't want me?

     After the festival, my mother sudddnly changed. She and her sisters became a little.. intense lately. My uncles as well.

     A year ago my swords training too a fast leap with Leo. I am currently seven years old. Supposedly, practice begins by the age of eight like the others, but for some reason uncle Charles recruited me at the age of six. Right after when daddy… yeah that.

     Turns out, uncle Charles is not as easy going as he seems while playing, and guess what? Battle training is no game with him! At all!!

     After every blood thirsty lesson, no one can find me any where near sight! Even if they surfed the entire kingdom. It'd be impossible if someone captured me, except for Leo. He was the only other person allowed to my 'Escape Land'.

     It took almost two months for Nanoua and I to plan our hideout, but it finally agreed on creating this land.. under one condition.

“Averen, No one other than you is allowed to see me here. If someone else comes to this place.. I may get hurt. Then we won’t be together any more.”

     That was Nanoua’s first and only promise to me, and still I allowed Laurence to accompany me over here.

“I promise Nanoua, no one will harm you! Not in my presence. Leo is a friend. He never hurts... only mean people hurt. I trust him.”

“Alright.. as you wish my dear. I trust you, but still I’m going to hide from his site. So...who is this Friend you called, huh?”

“I.. I... umm. No one…”

“Is he now?! Well I don’t see you inviting much Friends over these days. Hhhh, seems like he’s pretty special to me.”

“Okay... he is kind of nice, I guess.”

“Oh, nice? I’m curious about this friend of yours now. Bring him over! No one else.”

     Since then, every time I opened the portal to my Escape Land, Leo came with. He was my plus one!  keeping his promise, Leo never told a soul about this place. He even covers for my sudden absence in the castle when sombody notices an overly calm 'no chaous trouble maker' around the halls.

     Nanoua is safe here now. It never revealed her self unless Leo wasn’t precent. The security of this place was the tricky part. It took forever to build a complete barrier spell that won’t allow any one to enter unless under my acknowledge. Every time I tried it, either it shatters like explosive glass shards or deflate like a balloon. At last, it worked!

     One day after training session, Leo and I had a Big Fight. He asked me what was the purpose of creating such a land. Sadly, I could never tell him that I have a mystical creature over there! A promise is a promise. I already broke one rule by bringing him over here. It's normal for me; I don't like rules. They tie me up, so I break them. But there is no chance of me breaking a promise.

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