Chapter Twenty: The Heart of Nature

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What do I have to do with any of this nonsense?!

Even if I am the daughter of a great destructor; what does it involve me and my powers?

     Uncle Charles came closer looking me strait in the eye, "You did something to him. You changed him! Even Celestia wasn't able to do so. Ever since you were born and my brother 'The one I grew up with' he just seemed to return out of no where!"

     Izzy rested on his shoulder questioning eagerly, "Well if that's the case, then what happened? Why did the war start again?"

"Dimitry is what happened." He admitted with a heavy chest. Though every time King Dimitry was with his blossom, a smile would reach his back ears from joy. The minute he seperates the child he simply reverses back to the mischievous man he is now.

     I got up and hugged my uncle tightly loaning for my family. It's true that he wanted to kill us a few minutes ago, but that wasn't completely him. He did as I asked and told me the truth, even if it hurted him to addmit it and reopen those black pages of his life. That's was enough for me.

"Thank you uncle Charles; for telling me the truth." I whispered him thoughtfully.

     Leo seemed to appreciate the gesture. His quirky smile was back again!

     I turned leaving towards Asher when my uncle unexpectedly spun me backwards to him! He hugged me even tighter whispering gratefully, "Thank you; for keeping my son safe."

     He stood up taller now revealing a pair of broad shoulders, "Alright, battle lessons tomorrow at 6:00AM sharp! No moaning or complaining about it. Understood?"

Oh boy, he's back at it again!

Heey! Hhhh, now I know where Leo got his quirky smile from!

"Hhh, good to see you too, father!" Leo patted him a quick back hug and ran strait after me down the land.

Is this the same place we came to at first?

No wonder they were astonished. This place looks like a spring festival.

Maybe.. I'm not a monster after all.
Was I ever one?

     Flowers loomed the entire lands, tall grass swinging delicately with the soft breeze, a few butterflies dancing here and there joyfully. The sky seems so peaceful now! The waters are shimmering vividly against the soft sunlight hiding behind a few puffy clouds.

     I didn't even notice that I was fixing That Much! I just go with the flow on this. It's so detailed!

*After Charles was left alone with Izzy.

"Master Charles."

"Yess Izabella?"

     Izzy was feeling skeptical about Averen little by little, "Why do you believe that princes Averen can save us all? It's true she's really powerful like you once told me and I see that now, but still... what is this gift that she has which others don't?"

     King Charles held Izzy pleasantly from his shoulder and onto his palm steering her into our direction down the land, "Well I suppose I can tell you one thing and I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually."

     She wasn't comfortable having to deal with 'the hard way to get', but she had no choice other than to listen to his riddles talk.

     He smiled generously whispering in excitement, "Izabella, meet the Heart of Nature.. Averen!"

     Immediately Izzy woke up enthusiasm sparkling the twinkly golden flex in her eyes "Are You Serious!!"

     King Charles panicked cupping Izzy in his hands hissing at her, "Shh.. they'll hear us!"

     After she promised not to utter a word about this to any soul, he released her free from his grip.

*Down the land.

     I strolled further down the land almost disappearing from between the tall grass wondering to my self.

Something feels wrong.

My father.. I'm sure he's innocent somehow.

His heart I felt it!
I do remember the days we used to be together before he... left us two years prior the invasion.

That same man who stroked a dark blade through my heart.

He could've killed me if he wanted.
So why didn't you father?


♡Hope you enjoyed this chapter now knowing what Averen's powerful gift is why do you Think her father King Dimitry didn't kill her from the start?
♡Thank you for your support!
♡Have a nice day!!💙🌹🌹

Not His Lady_ Nanoua Series《1》Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt