Chapter Nineteen: Dark Sorcery

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I don't know what just happened.

"GO!! RUN Ave.."

The last thing I recall was a black blade slicing its way through my heart.

A man or so he looks like a man? So powerful. So dreadful! Yet he seems... innocent.

It burns! Like the hot tontokk specimen in our alchemy session!

Drifting away.. giving up. It seems so simple.

Why am I not dying already?
Shouldn't I be dead by now?

I'm barely seven years old! Where is she?

My Snowflake. My heart. Come back!
I need you.

"Averen You have to Control your self! Stop drifting away. WAKE UP!!"

Is that Leo?

Giving into this sensation feels easier than facing it. It feels so tempting.

But.. that's out of my nature. Should I just give up?

Focus Averen!

Leo's right. What am I saying!? Wake up already! Wake Up!

"Oh my..! Thank The Lords... she's alright." For some reason King Charles collapsed breathless to his knees relieved.

"Hey! Averen, look at me. How many fingers am I holding up?"

Hhh, always silly Leo.

"Hmm.. about three I guess?" I hope that was right.

"Yup. She's lost it. Woah.. Averen, did your hair just grow longer!?" That squeaky voice, It's Izzy!

What about my hair?

"Forget about that; Your mark! It's spreading further on your back! How are you doing that!?" Uncle Charles for The Lords sake stop interrogating me before I punch you a blast of snow in the face!

"Stop it you two! Averen are y.. Woah!"

     I stood up to see three long pale faces for some reason.

Yup, not my first time.

"I feel tired.." I wasn't able to stand still. My legs were wobbly. We sat under a blossoming cherry tree for a while. I haven't noticed that I was leaning my head on Leo's shoulder all this time till uncle Charles pointed it out surprising a roar of laughter with Izzy.

Huh, surprisingly their getting along well.

Too well I suppose..

      They kept on babbling about some weird ancient nonsense that just couldn't fit my head. Suddenly they both dropped silent eyes on me.

"An explanation would be useful by now, if you may father." Leo was starting to get impatient and so was I.

"Oh, alright. What do you want to know?"

The Hell he's way calmer than usual!
That was easly strait forward.

     I sat up strait barking at him furiously. "Every Thing! I want to know the Truth. Who am I? And what in the world is happening to me!?"

"Well.. umm."

"NOW!!" I emphasized strictly rude to him.

"Fine! But it would be a long one." Finally he cracked.

     Leo's not acting nice to him at all either, though he's his Father,
"Then start talking."

"Alright, before you two were born a war started about a hundreds of years ago. My elder brother and I were preparing to lead the battle with our eldest cousin and his father. Our kind was always mistreated just because we are born with dark magic; but It's Not Our Fault!" King Charles started heating up. that's why Xailock is a dark phoenix though I purified both of him and uncle Charles?!

     He continued on "Your mother and her sisters. They were the most malicious leaders against us. Almost machine like, moving with such static combats. We never fought face to face before, till The Death Game!"

"The Death Game? As in the one that we took in history class? But that was a long time ago." Leo had a point. We really did take that lesson back at school nine years ago!

     Teaching the new generations about their culture at a young age is a very crutial method of ours and well known to be strict about it. In other word, there is no chance of escaping with a bad mark on a history test.

"How old do you think I am boy? I'm not even a day over 400!" Uncle Charles said proud of his.. youth, I guess?

Is 400 years old actually old or is it normal to them?

What about Leo and I? Are we also like that?

"Anyhow, in mid battle my brother fell unable to fight any longer. He got bruised, cut, stabbed, every possible way that could stop him. I wanted to retrieve him; but they kept pulling me back so I won't end up like him or else our people would lose both of their upcoming kings and the thrown would move on to my cousin. Soon enough, I was only able to see a soft glow from afar as Celestia healed him!"

"My mother?" I interrupted him questioning.

"Yes." Charles assured.

     Though Celestia is the youngest among the triplets, she's well known as the most powerful!

     He continued, "Long story short we made peace with the triplets and the light magic enchanters. Later on we got married; united both kingdoms and then got you. You're the next generation and the beginning of united enchanters."

     Leo barged in confused, "Then how does this explain any of what's going on?"

"Hold your horses. I haven't finished yet. Later on my brother seemed suspicious to me.. he seemed actually dark from the inside. Like acting violently or using his powers against me..." then he paused fearing our reactions from his intel.

"I know the rest. You don't have to say it if you don't want to." That was it. I eventually understood the whole story but Laurence kept skeptical eyes on us so did Izzy. They're looking for an explanation.

     I raised my voice echoing to him, "It's my Father. Isn't it?"

     The pain in Charle's voice strangled my heart, "I'm sorry Averen.. but it's true. Your father is the one who began the destruction before you were born. He kept creeping into others hearts. Changing them into aggressive people like him self and tried to eliminate the pure hearts till..."

     King Charles was having a really hard time confessing these facts to me, but I understand. He used to look up to his elder brother and now.. this is were we are.

"Till what father?"

     Uncle Charles stared strait at me with suspicious looks "Till she was born.."


♡Hello there! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.
♡Next chapter will be more into detail about Averen and her fait.
♡Thank you for your support!
♡Have a nice day everyone!!💙🌹🌹

Not His Lady_ Nanoua Series《1》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang