Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"You still fucking on about that huh? Let me inform you since you seem to be completely clueless that gramps wrote his final will when I was still 12 years old." I slammed my palm against the table once again as I glare her down "Means to say that I was still a kid when he had already written my name as the next CEO of his multi billion company, all his remaining luxury and his entire private estate you've never heard about. Leabing you and both your sons with nothing but this fucking mansion to tend to your greedy selves... shall I go on step grandmother?"

Gaping at me speechlessly all her earlier smugness and confidence left her painted lips

"H-how dare you insult me!"

Raising my eyebrows at her I straightened my posture

"Speaking of the company..." a smirk playing my lips I leaned down the table in a taunting manner "did you really think I wouldn't find out about the issue of the stolen money a few months after gramps died?"

"What?!" Aunt Daja bellowed fiercely

"Why am I hearing about all of this now?!"

"невероятно!" (Unbelievable)

"Why didn't Steven say anything about it?"

I stayed silent for them to piece it together

"Because he's the one who have been stealing the total of 11.6 million from the company... that's why none of us was informed about it... and is also kept hidden to the staffs so they won't call out to us about the matter" Uncle Federick piped up his voice hard as his eyes met mine "it didn't even reach the media about it"

As expected of the detective

"Before I even step foot inside the building I was told secretly that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy a year and a half after gramps passed away..." gasps of shock, anger and frustation filled the room only quieting down as I continue "And when I asked for the temporary CEO the board members said that Steven Ivanov had been suspsciously missing for about 3 days before my arrival here in Russia" I continued with my eyes hardening

"So Steven Ivanov has been stealing from the company all this years.... that son of a bitch.." Aunt Daja angrily spat

"No." I interrupted firmly my eyes flitting towards the woman who didn't react and stayed silent throughout the whole discussion "I already had him behind bars... and guess what he confessed where the money went and who's the real one behind all of it."

I could feel their eyes follow my line of vision

I watch as her emotionless eyes wavered as she blinks multiple times, her lips quivering in an attempt to form any words to defend herself from the Maksimov's signature furious intimidating glares

"You." Aunt Daja gritted in disbelief backing away from their step mother in pure fury as she clench her hands ti her sides "I can't believe I'm even surprised." She spat in disgust

"ты смеешь прикоснуться к тому, что тебе не принадлежит" (you dare touch what was not yours)

"For someone pathetic and low life like you to even bloody judge my woman!"

"How dare you steal from our father's money! After all what he'd done to you?!" Uncle Javick's body shook in anger, a vein on his forhead as his wife tried to comfort him "He gave everything to you—"

"He didn't give anything!" The old woman bellowed even with her age she can still screech like a pro "He didn't love me! He never did! He have always been inlove with his dead wife even after the years she had died!"

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