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Matthew's Memory

"Hello?" A soft accented small feminine voice called "is anyone there?"

I sniffed rubbing my chubby cheeks and puffy eyes with my little fist

Mommy always say that my hand would become large when I grow up just like hers

"Oh!" A small squeak was heard below the tree I'm in "how did you get up there?"

I look down and see a little girl with long pretty light brown hair that reached her waist with a very pretty and shiny thin silver headband that have 3 pretty lilac colored pretty little flowers on the right side? Or is that left? of it matching her light flowy purple pretty sundress

Everything is pretty

But her face... her face is a blur

But I'm not sacred at all... maybe she's much prettier than what she is wearing

"W-who are you?" I heard my croaky voice ask followed by a sniffle

"I am... Li-llia-na!" She beamed once she have been able to pronounce it "and you... are?" Her blurry face look up to me


"M-my name is... vewy hard t-to say" I mumbled feeling shy and embarassed "Yana... c-can I um... call you Y-Yana?"

"Oh..." she trailed off sadly "I like my name to be Yana!" she chirped slightly jumping giddily making me confused on how quick her emotions changed

"I-I'm sorry I can't tell you m-my name.." then I beamed realizing something "o-oh I have a number two name" I held up two fingers or is it two?

"Tell me tell me tell me!" She gushed her small soft looking little hands clasping infront of her in excitement "ooh! Wait... I'll climb too"

Shaking my head I was about to tell her no but sighed when she was already putting one foot and the other with her scratchless pale fingers climbing her way up like a small kitten trying to scratch up the tree

She'll be a pretty kitty

That way maybe I could keep her

I giggled when she began talking in hushed tones with words I couldn't understand that sounded like she's complaining

My eyebrows raised when she plop on the thick branch next to me her well combed silky hair now slightly messy

I gave her blurry face an unsure toothy smile before giggling as I help her take off the leaves and tree bark flakes she's grumbling about

"Your laugh is cute" she blurt out all of a sudden making me freeze before blushing "are you sick? Your face is now getting red"

"N-no.. I uh—"

"Did you cry?" I felt warm fingers touching my eyelids and brushing against my cheek "you look like my nan nan when she cried... all red, and puffy but her eyes have something black dripping when she cry"

"O-oh?" I asked awkwardly not understanding what she meant about the last part "I-I was not crying anymore"

"So you did cry" she point a finger at my face "who made you cry? The time I first cried papa shouted at the mama and papa of my classmate made me cry.. with a very scary look and no one made me cry after he made that face" she sounded a bit sad?

"Y-your papa is scary?" I whispered fiddling with the end of my favorite yellow shirt

"No, he's a big cuddly unicorn.. he always cry when I do not want to give him kisses" she smiled sadly as if remembering something before turning her unrecognizable face to me once more "is your papa like that too?"

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