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Sighing to calm the angry beast threatening to come out, I barge in the porcelain double doors with unintended force startling all the standing maids and seated hosts... all except my father who seemed to have expected my unannounce visit

"Lia?" The feminine rich itallian accented voice of my mother gasped

"Good morning, I hope my prescence here is still wanted" I mused emotionlessly staring at my father's ignorant face

"You are always welcome here mi cara" my mother gushed standing up from her seat as I met her haflway and into her familiar warm embrace "I missed la mi unica figlia"

My whole demaneur softened at my mothers voice and comfort as I clutch her for my dear sanity and only restraint from lashing out

"Why the sudden visit Lia?"

Taking a 360 turn from my mood I snap my eyes back to my father who chose to continue on his full english breakfast rather ignorantly

I hope you choke on that tasty looking toast

Of course he's mad about the report Lance had been sending him for these past weeks during my mission but my anger towards him and his dirty secrets is overflowing

"You know exactly why I'm here papa" I adress him formaly making him snap his attention to me the same steel emotionless grey eyes I've inherited staring back into my soul

My mothers petite form shuffled awkwardly infront of me her delicate hands still placed ontop of my shoulder squeezing it in warning

"..why don't we have breakfast first yes? Before the food gets cold and un—what was that word again darling?" Mama frowned thinking about the word as she ushered me to sit down on the white plush seats next to her


"No. Hon its something more uh—"


"No.. like in a more decent way to say it—"


"No.. Carla might hear you—"

"Ugly tasting—"

"Basta basta..." mama sighed massaging her temples getting worked up

I look around the dining room my papa always prefer to have his meals served and my mother's least favorite, since this is the most simplest and less extravagant interior my mother designed so far unlike those other two dining rooms on the ground floor which is my mother always quoted to be for 'fancy parties and family reunion grand table'

"Where's Xavien?" I asked frowning when I realized the missing prescense of my baby brother

The table went quiet surprisingly so does my father's loud clattering sounds he was making as he ate

I looked at my mother as she fidgets with a sad look


"Madam your son wouldn't allow me to go inside and refused to have breakfast" Sandra our head maid had a hopeless look on her aging face

"Um.. its okay Sandra, I'll—"

"I'll do it" I stood up from my seat and approach the tray of foods Sandra is holding "procced on eating your breakfast ma... I already ate anyway"

"Oh..si" my mother hesitated and sat back down on her seat gently flashing me an encouraging smile

Smiling back at her slightly I strut out of the dining room leaving both my parents argue on their hush tones

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