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Matthew's POV

I woke up with an ache on my back and neck, numb limbs and a throbbing headache

Closing my eyes I groan straining to rub my forhead an attempt to decrease the pain yet wince at the stinging sensation from finding my right temple wet

Still groaning I brought ny hand down and saw blood on my fingertips

"What the he—"

Then memories of what happened came rushing back to me full force

Getting discharge from the hospital, Darwin driving me to my house inorder to have some rest, then kicking hum out to attend something on his agency, feeding Simba... and Simba's loud barks and growls, then something hard slamming against my head followed closely by darkness

I'm kidnapped aren't I?

I look around the small and dark..unfinished cemented room carefully taking note on the pain of my head

It sure looks like it

My hand fall to my side and a thud of something metallic echoed around the dark walls


"I am kidnapped alright" I muttered and shake both my wrist watching as it rattled loudly before bringing it down my dirtied lap softly yet still made sounds much to my liking

A few monents past with me staring quietly, nervously at the wall I'm facing trying to think some possibilities as to why I was kidnapped and what danger would be waiting for me for whatever reason I'm here

Did they found out—

No.. Darwin made sure that no one would even suspect a thing

'Yet here you are' my subconcious taunt

Yet here I am...

Or maybe one of those who I unknowingly pissed off, maybe Collin's group? Or the Sullivan's Phinx? Is this their way to get revenge on me?

"Hey!" I heard myself shout "Collin I know you're behind all this, so do me a favor and stop acting incognito shit on me" I snarled rattling the chains in hoped to get his attention

I'm tired being a coward,

I'm tired of being treated like a fucking china doll as if one wrong touch would shatter me into pieces

I'm tired of being walk in on to like I'm a piece of shit

I'm tired of being bullied

I'm tired of them controlling what I should and should not do, what I should be and should not be

I'm tired of letting them do everything they please and act like it was okay

I'm tired of pretending to be okay

I'm so fucking tired of being so damn weak that I couldn't even do about it

Sighing I closed my eyes

'Look at my little warrior... every fall you must always, always stand straight and stand strong, am I clear Rafael?'

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