Chapter 22: The End 1

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Fear. Never-ending fear. That was all I felt when I was standing there in front of the enormous silver gates of the one and only Belleville prison. The building was gray and the atmosphere was definitely nothing you'd like to be around the whole time. It was as if it was a poisonous disease that'd affect everything and anything that was around. Including me and my currently unstable mind. It felt bloody and murderous, no sense of peacefulness in existence. But why was I afraid?

Maybe it was the fact that I, Gerard Way, belonged in here in the first place. Among all these criminals, all these people that would come to mind first at the mention of the word 'bad' or 'evil'. But I wasn't evil. As long as I and one person I trusted believed in that, it didn't matter what others thought. But this time, aside from Frank, Mikey was the one who needed to believe me. Someone who everyone knew was in his right mind, and someone who I knew I could still trust. So I had to tell him. Through a simple note that I was hoping to send him very soon.

Or maybe it was the fact that I was about to meet the person who I assumed was the only one besides me who had ever seen Frank. I knew I was taking a pretty dangerous risk. In fact it was so dangerous that I could feel my heart pump fast and breath hitch in my throat. I could feel my legs go weaker and weaker as seconds passed and my fingers trembled slightly, my palms wet from all the sweat that had formed there. My hazel eyes wandered around, analyzing the building. I had decided not to bring up the topic that upset both me and Frank so intensely as much as possible, not wishing for any drama at the moment. All I needed was just some information about Frank. Nothing more, nothing less.

My heart was almost jumping out of my chest when I decided it was time to do this. One way or another, this had to happen. And it was either now or never.

With a deep breath and a determined look on my face, I raised my hand towards the gates, my skin touching the cold metal as It creaked open. The first step, the first move towards the truth. And who were I to stop it?

I walked hesitantly towards the doorway of the prison, the shiny glass revealing a small, bright room with a guard inside, resting. This was the back yard I was walking through late at night, as the chilly weather of November occupied the whole place with its cool breeze.

Pushing the glass door open, it made an unsettling sound, waking up the lost-in-his-dreams officer that was leaning in his chair behind his wooden desk so comfortably. He snapped his head up, looking everywhere in sudden effort to take in his surroundings. He seemed to be in his late fifties, his face designed with his gray, short beard and his brown, bloodshot eyes. He wasn't exactly in shape, but he looked ready to stop whatever crime that would take place at anytime so I assumed that was enough. He sat up straight in his chair, looking at me up and down. His gaze went from my black hair hidden under the hood of my black hoodie, my gray long coat covering it, to my oh so old black snickers.

He raised an eyebrow at me, questioning my presence. "I have an appointment to meet Bert McCracken." I informed him, my voice as stern as possible despite my insides trembling out of fear or anxiety. His brows formed a frown and his face looked focused, as if he was trying to remember. Thankfully, that expression was soon replaced by a more aware one, nodding.

"Gerard Way. Am I right?" He asked, leaning against his desk now that he had stood up. I nodded, opening my arms for him to check if I had anything dangerous with me. I was sure of that, since I had nothing dangerous but a gun, which was hidden among some of the bushes outside the building. After the checking was done, he sighed, grabbing a handful of keys from a small cabinet placed against the wall, walking towards the elevator that was placed right in front of the glass doors.

"Follow me." He said, his voice as stern as mine, if not more.

As we both stepped inside the elevator and I watched him push the minus one button on the side, I felt my heartbeat grow so loud that I was quite sure he could hear it too. It was about to happen. It was actually going to happen.

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