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Hey ! So I'm writing this story which came to my mind last night and I thought it's pretty cool ! So it's probably shitty but's worth a try right ?
Comments and votes are appreciated!
So yeah , enjoy!
Everyone has a story. So did I. But for most people it's...normal. Like black and white, red and blue. Mine wasn't. It was more than that. My life was gray, but with a hint of all colors. That hint was what made it different and beautifully violent. I like it toxic, and that's how my life was.

That hint was a boy with short black hair, brownish hazel eyes and tattooed body, who played guitar along with my life.

I'm Gerard Way, and I have a story.

Trigger warning: This story includes rape, suicide, self harm, mental illness(obviously), sex and drugs. If you notice anything that must be mentioned here just tell me here or on Instagram: ( frnkiero_and_theromance )

(Edit: First thing first, I have nothing against Bert McCracken now honestly it's just for the plot. Bert is a sweetheart. And if you believe I portrayed Bert as the villain I suggest you read until the end. That aside I will update as soon as possible. Also the story will be on livejournal as well. Don't hesitate to check that out too. Comments and votes are freakin appreciated and please if you wanna copy it, give credit. I hope you enjoy the story, I'll keep you guys updated.)

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