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Rose POV.

As shino led me to his room I saw many frames with different insects within them. I also took note that shino's door was the second door on the left side of the hallway. As he opened his door and let us both in I saw so many containers of different insects.

"Wow!" I said as I looked at the rest of his room.

"You can ask any question you would like and I will answer to the best of my ability." Said shino as he walked up to one of the many containers.

"Well, what was the first insect you ever got?" I questioned.

As I asked this shino walked to the left side of his room and grabbed a container with small black beatles in it.

"This is the first insect I have ever had. It is also the only insect that we aburame pass down through generations." Shino said as he sat down beside me.

"Is there any thing else that's special about it?" I asked.

"They are highly poisonous." He said.

"Can I hold one, or would it hurt me?" I asked as I leaned closer.

"They do not attack unless provoked, so as long as you don't try to kill it it should be fine." Said shino as he lifted the lid.

As shino lifted the lid a few crawled out and shino held out his hand. I placed my hand in his as he put a few beatles on my hand.

"What are they called?"

"There the kikaichu beatle." He said.

As he sat and answered my questions I giggled as they crawled over my hand.

(POV. change)

Shino POV.

As I answered rose's questions I couldn't help but wonder why she was so interested in them. I understand my family uses and studies them but why did she willing walk into my life.

I decided to ask her.

"Rose, why are you so interested in me and my insects?" I asked.

"" Rose studderd over her words.

"I um- I just- well I think your a great guy, so I wanted to get to know you better, and I know insects are a large part of your family." She said as she looked up at me.

"I understand thank you rose." I replied with a smile.

Feeling a bit bold I looked at rose and said something she apparently was not prepared for.

"Well if you want to get to know me than I find it only fair I get to know you as well."

Rose paused for a moment but quickly replied.

"I completely understand so why don't we get to know each other better." She said with a smile as she put the beatles back and moved closer.

"Um-well-i-uhhhh" I stumbled over my words as she scooted even closer the the point that our legs were now flush together.

"So why don't we head to the park." She giggled as she got up like nothing happened.

"Uhh, yeah sure." I said as I returned my kikaichu back to there rightful shelf.

When Flowers Cry (shino x OC)Where stories live. Discover now