Chapter 24

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 I wish I knew what was going to happen tonight. Under my shiny golden dress, I was shaking under my skin. The beautiful makeup on my face wasn't enough to hide my fear and anxiety. I looked beautiful in the mirror but I didn't feel beautiful. I felt guilty and shameful. If I had just tore that piece of note from the beginning, this would have never happened. And to think the party is still going on. 

"The grand celebration is happening right behind the hotel, in the large garden arena. Are you excited? Lots of big people are going to come tonight to this celebration. This is huge," Mr. Ouishi says, coming into the penthouse. I turn to face him. 

"You look absolutely magical tonight," he says, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles in the most gentleman-like gesture. 

"Have you talked to Mr. Dean by any chance?" 

"Not since earlier today. I believe I will see him at the party." He excuses himself and steps out of the room, leaving me behind. Reece hasn't talked to Ouishi, which could mean only one thing. Everyone's unaware of the circumstances. I do my little touch-ups to finish my final look, and proceed to head out of the door. Every step I take towards the elevator only increases my heart rate. My stomach is in my throat and it takes everything in my not to vomit everywhere. I'm incredibly nauseous and I'm prompted to lean against the walls of the hallway that leads to the elevator. Someone comes out of a room just in time to approach me.

"Are you okay?" An Asian lady dressed in platinum dress asks me. I manage to nod as I am unable to vocalize my words right now. I can't escape the hurricane of thoughts wandering in my head right now. Wild scenarios are running wild inside of my brain and I can only see the doom ahead of me. I haven't seen Reece since earlier today and it's driving me insane. He's probably ruled out Mr. Ouishi from the looks of it, so that only leaves to...

I'm going crazy right now. I need to find Reece. I gather my wits and head straight to the elevator. The doors open automatically as I get closer and I jump right in. When the doors close behind me, and I press the button to the main floor, intense nausea hits me. I double over and lean against the metal rod by the elevator. It's mind over matter right now and I can't win against it. I wish, I really wish I had used my brain earlier today and lied to him. I could have given him any name to throw him off. Surely, some random guy from the committee could have been booted out. I mentally kick myself and curse under my breath. The doors open moments later and I walk out. Immediately, a waft of perfume hits my nostrils as I come across a plethora of people in the main lobby of the hotel. Everyone is either coming in for something or going out towards the grand party at the back. 

I walk past the crowd and make my way out of the double-glass doors. People part ways for me and the cool air surrounding me is refreshing. I inhale deeply and it calms my nerves a bit. I turn towards the pathway that leads to the party. It's a long path and I can see others joining me. 

"Beautiful dress," someone from behind me says. I turn to the source and smile at the lady complimenting me. I admire her purple glittery dress, and she goes to chatting with me the whole way to the garden. I didn't anticipate having a full-blown conversation but she's adamant in knowing about the life in America. Talking actually helped a little as it got my mind off of things, but now we're here, and I'm back to how I was before--if not, worst. 

There are so many people here tonight--big, important people. I recognize no one but I can tell people from all sorts of backgrounds are here. I scan the area for any signs of Reece but he's nowhere to be found. I spot Ouishi, and so I quickly approach him. He's taken back a little, and he looks out of the ordinary. 

"Mr. Ouishi."

"Oh, hello, Ms. White." He sounds off. Something's happened.

"What's wrong? You look a bit lost." I try a tactic that can easily get me some answers I crave but with him, it's not so easy. He looks around as if he's searching for something or someone. He suddenly grabs my arm, and pulls me to the side and away from prying eyes.

"Something's not right. Something feels off," he clarifies. I swallow down a knot forming in my throat. I'm all amped up with so many different emotions running through me I feel like there's no escaping any of it. 

"Have you talked to Mr. Dean?"

"No. I have not seen him and it's a bit odd. But, I can feel something is happening tonight." He's not wrong. 

"Where is Mr. Kapoor?" I ask, hoping he knows about his whereabouts. 

"He should be here soon. I think I'm just being paranoid. I want everything to be perfect, you know? Mr. Dean is very powerful and he's important and I want him to have a good time tonight. This is a big victory for us. The Singapore project merging with ours is so incredible. I'll just go grab a drink. Want one?" 

"Oh, no thanks." 

"I'll be back. You enjoy." Just like that, he vanishes again. I close my eyes and sigh. I can't let whatever that happens tonight...happen. I make my way towards the crown, stand in the middle, and look around. Mr. Ouishi gets on the stage and makes an announcement to catch everyone's attention. By now a large crowd has gathered around the makeshift stage. This allows me to get a better viewpoint on the other side of the garden. Soon, loud music starts to surround the garden and everyone gets to cheering, and partying, and celebrating. The crowd breaks out. 

"Looking beautiful, gorgeous." Two of the same meanings. I sigh. No sign of the man I'm really looking for, but this voice could grab anyone's attention from miles away. It's frustrating and very alarming. I turn around to face the one man I wished didn't show up tonight. There are too many people around us, and more are making their way in, but there's no sign of Reece. I don't want to take the risk by talking to this man otherwise Reece, wherever he is, might see and get the idea that it's this man who sent the note. I don't want to risk it. Right now I don't think Reece knows anything. 

I ignore the man and make my way towards the bar where I order the first drink I see on the menu. Then I grab the drink and make my way towards the pathway that leads out of the garden. The proximity of people isn't helping my situation. The last of the crowd starts to make it inside when suddenly I feel a presence behind me. I know who it is and so I keep on walking. 

"I'm right here, and you're walking off?" He chuckles. I stop and sharply turn to him.

"I'm not looking for you. And it would be best if you weren't here. There's already too many problems because of you. Your stupid note--" I stop myself. The look on his face is something otherwise. The bastard is amused

"I see you got the message. So? What do you think?" 

"Why are you trying to jeopardize this project? Everyone is so happy with it. Mr. Ouishi is over the moon. You should be thanking your stars you get to work with men like Mr. Ouishi, and Mr. Dean." Kapoor scowls and starts to advance towards me. I back up until I'm hit with one of the bushes. I can see my comment agitates him. 

"Why do you all think my life revolves around other people? Like I can't get anywhere without bigger, more important people in my life?" I have nothing to say to that. I almost feel guilty making him feel less of a man. I don't know what obstacles he's been through in life, and I don't think I even want to know from hereon. I simply just want to ignore him. Mr. Kapoor grabs my arm again and pushes me back before I can get anywhere. His hard grip on my bare arm will definitely leave a mark. 

"This project is happening because of me. I'm a bigger man than these fools. I'm more important," he growls. That's where he's wrong. He's nothing compared to Reece. 

"Then why are you trying to jeopardize this project?" I ask. It's a simple question, one that throws him off guard.

"I'm not!"

"Sending me notes, trying to pull me towards your side, badmouthing people that could be in your favor right now...touching me! This will ruin you, and everything around you." I go on. Kapoor is not phased at all. His head is ballooning is some sort of pride. His clammy hands slide up my arm, and one of his fingers find its way to my nipple. He circles it through the dress, trying to elicit some sort of a reaction, but it's never going to happen. I slap his hand off in disgust.

"I haven't even touched you yet."

"And you won't ever get the pleasure to." 

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