Chapter 70

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He was punishing me. I knew he was. Maybe it was something I said, or rather...didn't say when I needed to. Maybe it was because of the fact that I had doubts in my head when it came to him. Any mortal human woman would run the second they found out her boyfriend was a murderer. But, here I was. I didn't run. I would never run. I would be scared of him all my life, but I would never run.

I let him manhandle me because that's just who he was. He was gentle yet rough. He gave me physical pain, but made sure our baby wasn't harmed. He took me to greater heights, gave me the perfect amount of pain to accompany my pleasure, and made sure I came at his every demand. Reece Dean knew no boundaries even when it came to me—especially me. I was exhausted, too worn out from multiple orgasms he gave me in the shower to even function, but Reece had other plans for me. I knew I asked for this. The man's desire for me was insatiable. When he realized I couldn't move anymore, he picked me up, threw me over his broad shoulder, and carried me out to the bedroom before dropping me down on the bed gently. I lazily looked at him, and smiled when he leaned down at me, cornering me in. He was so incredibly handsome, I still thought I was living in a dream.

He was still partially wet, and some of the droplets from his wet hair fell on my partially dried skin to where I picked it up from my forefinger and sucked it into my mouth. My intentional move dilated his eyes, and I was afraid I might have awakened the beast inside of him again. Instead of scooting back, however, I dragged my naked body closer to him.

"Tired?" He asked, placing his hand over my thigh. My breath hitched in my throat. I was physically tired, but his touch alone was like live-wire on my body every time he touched me. I shook my head, and instinctively flinched from pain as I sucked my bottom lip in. My lips throbbed from his vicious bite, not to mention my entire body was aching and throbbing from his assault earlier. Reece's gaze fell on my lips, and then at the rest of my body where I proudly wore his marks. They weren't just any marks—they were *his* marks. They were the symbol of his ownership towards me. He owned me, completely. Reece gingerly touched the black and blue marks he gave me on my neck with his fingers, and leaned down to softly press his lips over my throbbing mouth. It felt good, so much that I grabbed his head, and deepened the kiss, ignoring the throbbing pain lingering on my lips. In contrast with my wet hair, my body was suddenly burning up, generating heat from my hormones.

"Your mouth is heaven when it's gentle with me," I teased, tracing his wet lips with my finger. He softly bit the pad of my thumb.

"Oh yeah? And hell when I'm not?" He pushed at my chest until I fell back against the bed. I panted as he grabbed my thighs and slowly spread them without looking away from me. The eye contact made things a lot hotter and intense, and I sinfully smiled. He winked at me before he dived down and latched his hot mouth over my weeping pussy. The second I felt his tongue flattened out on my flesh, I gasped and my body bucked from the bed. I felt him hum against me in appreciation as he dug his tongue inside of me and increased his pace.

"Oh, fuck. Reece. Yes, right there," I moaned, suddenly completely delusional from the impending pressure building in my belly. I grabbed at the sheets, fisted until my knuckles turned white, and whimpered. Shit, he was good. So incredibly good, and even mind blowing when he suddenly speared two fingers inside of me. He feasted on me as if he was craving me for ages, and fucked me with his fingers at the same time. I grabbed his head with my one free hand, pushed my fingers into his hair, and pulled his face deeper into my flesh. The pressure in my belly intensified, and my entire body shook. My breathing erratic, and shallow, I closed my eyes tightly, and finally screamed as an intense orgasm tore through me again and again. It was as if flames were licking me from the inside out. My vision gave out, but I was completely high. High off of him, this beautiful man of mine. I was feeling absolutely euphoric, and I was bathing in a sinful, rapidly building sexual thirst that only grew by the second. Reece abruptly pulled his fingers out of him, plopped it into his mouth before cleaning my juices off of his fingers, and crawled on top of me. He destroyed my body just by eating me out, and I was too tired to function any longer. My wet hair was sticking to me, and he nuzzled away the water-licking strands out of my face.

The lady in Red (REWRITTEN!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin