Chapter 38

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 From the beginning to the end, I told Greta everything. Except for the sexual encounters between Reece and me in Japan and on the plane, I left nothing out. Greta didn't miss a thing. Almost every news outlet covered me. I was the biggest headline of the day. In front of the television, I watched the news reporter wax lyrical about my meetings with Mr. Kapoor back in Japan. I appreciated that nothing was discussed in detail. My past encounters with my family were not mentioned. However, my name was. My face was. I couldn't come to terms with it.

Greta placed another box of tissues in front of me. "How can you be certain that Reece called the media on you?" she asked. She turned down the volume on the television. 

"I overheard the conversation." That was the only piece of evidence I had. Greta sighed next to me and leaned closer to me.

Perhaps he had a very compelling reason to do so, Cat." I turned to face her with a sour expression on my face. It baffled me that she would take his side after all this. 

"Whose side are you on?" I accused. She sighed again. 

"Did you give him a chance to explain himself?" she asked again. Honestly, I couldn't believe it. I stepped off of the couch and walked toward the bedroom. Greta knew about my past. She knew why I hid behind lenses, and why I never bothered to be photographed with the Dean family on special occasions. During the time leading up to my grand escape, she was fully aware of what I had gone through. She knew why I was in hiding. I wiped at my tears again. 

'I told him, you know? I told him about my past, the things I went through, and what would happen if they found me again. I specifically told him to keep the media away. He knew this." 


"I overheard his father explain to him the consequences of me finding out whatever it is that he's hiding from me. Jay accused him of hurting me, and he didn't even deny it. Are you still going to take his side now?" I bellowed. I was furious, hurt, and utterly dejected. Greta chased me and got in my way before I closed the door. Her gaze fell on my tears, and she quickly gathered me up in her arms.

"I'll always be on your side, Cat. He hurt you. Just wait until I see him. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" she hugged me tighter, and I was tempted to laugh at her bravery. Instead, I cried harder. 

"Why would he do that to me?" I asked. 

"Because he can. Because he's the Reece Dean." Greta's comment about him shattered my heart, and a painful sob broke out of me again. He was powerful, richer than hell, and handsomer than the devil himself. Yet he chose to hurt me. All of those things never occurred to me that one day they would be my downfall.  

"I have to leave, Greta." I began walking away, but she grabbed my hand and kept me from going.

"No, you don't. None of this means they're going to look for you."

"They will, Greta."

"You're a big girl, Catherine. What is it that scares you so? Fight back. What are they going to do? Kidnap you?"

She had no idea what was coming. "Worse. I'm tired, Greta." I was the only one who knew what my family was capable of. Law was in their pockets, so they were not afraid of it. There was nothing they were afraid of. All they wanted was me. I needed some rest, and Greta allowed me some space even though I saw hesitation in her eyes. 

"I'm here for you. Give me one word, and you know I'll be out this door in seconds. I will set him straight!" Greta's weak threat forged a weak smile on my face, and I nodded before closing the door behind me. My body and mind were exhausted. Despite my best efforts, tears flowed. I was beyond repair and beyond healing. I struggled to find a comfortable position on the bed, and I tossed and turned every two minutes until I couldn't handle it anymore. 

It was getting colder as the sun set. I was becoming weaker. There were no comfortable positions in my bedroom, I couldn't eat or drink, and it was impossible to take any sips of water. Greta left the house to run errands, but not before coming in every ten minutes to check on me. She even brought me a container of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate chip ice-cream, but I couldn't indulge in it no matter how hard I tried. It melted into nothing but liquid in my bowl. 

I considered texting him and calling him. The hours had passed since I left the headquarters with my head hanging low. Did he get my letter? Was he aware of it? How did he react to my resignation? Perhaps that's why he did not chase after me. Perhaps this was for the best for him. For us. My heart couldn't take the pain any longer. Grabbing my coat from nearby, I stepped out of my room. I needed some fresh air. 

My lungs were suffocating. I walked out further into the dim light, hugging myself tighter as the cool air blew around me. I couldn't find solcace anywhere, and I had no idea where I was going. My distance from the house kept growing, but none of it mattered. During my walk, I saw something strange flash at me from behind me, but I didn't turn around right away. The light was not bright, so it came from a distance, but it paralyzed me. My throat was tight with fear, but I didn't turn around. 

It was all because of him. It was all because he exposed me to people who never wished me well. I could hear the engine as the light grew closer. Despite the car approaching from behind, I didn't turn around and I didn't run. Nothing else was on the horizon, and it seemed as if I had nowhere else to go. I was found. The wait for this day must have been long for them. It was a quiet night in Boston, and oh the irony! It's two days until Halloween.  

The cold did not stop me from sweating, and my vision became blurry. When the car suddenly stopped behind me, my suspicions became clear. It was for me. Who was it this time that came to get me? I had a feeling It was one of my uncles. Or was it one of my cousins who sexually assaulted me when I was six? While waiting for my demise, something strange passed through the air. I heard the door open behind me, then slam shut. In spite of this, the presence behind me did not seem to be one of my family members. I turned around because I had to see it for myself. I had a hunch, and It became very much clear before me. 

 I didn't know how to channel my emotions properly. I was lamenting my misfortune one minute, and angry the next. My skin prickled as I watched him slowly approach me. My body shook in rage. Despite my intense desire to turn around and run away, my body wouldn't allow me to. I didn't expect him to show up, but he did. For a change, I faced him with my head held high. 

The man was raw and beautiful. In the eyes of the world, he was perfect. To support, protect, and heed him, he had a whole army behind him. It was as if he had a map of the whole country at his fingertips. But tonight...he was flawed. His selfishness extended well beyond the surface. His ruthlessness was evident. He was brutal. The pain he caused me was beyond anything I've ever felt before. I couldn't even look at him. I did not have the presence of mind to be in his vicinity, never mind talk to him. Finally, I turned around to leave, but I didn't get very far.

"Catherine. We need to talk."

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