Chapter 43

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I couldn't find him anywhere. It was the same location where we had our first meeting couple months ago, right here on the second floor overlooking the middle of the dance floor. I felt restless. Did he know I would be here? Did he decide not to show up because he was so irritated with me and so done with me? If he wasn't going to show up, why would Greta bring me here? I ran down the stairs, pushed past the dancing people, and headed for the door. My memory of this place is exactly how it was when I first came here. There was just something wrong this time. My heart ached for him. The entire time I was apart from him, I missed him.

When I asked myself why I felt the way I did when it came to him...I only came up with one answer that seemed fitting. However, it made no sense. I felt an intense, outward, and questionable affection for him. My feelings for him made me weak at the knees, fragile at the heart, and numb at the body. The line between morals and logic became blurred. Greta was nowhere to be found, so I walked outside and took a deep breath, deciding to leave her there for the time being. The chilly air wrecked my body, and my breath froze midair. Hugging myself, I walked to the nearest wall and leaned against it. I felt that I had no purpose in life anymore. Since the very beginning, I've worked. When it came to my working abilities, I always made others proud, satisfied, and happy. However, somewhere along the line, I did something wrong. I wanted to turn time backwards and fix it. I wanted to stop the madness before it began. There was something wrong and I wanted to make it right. I wanted to make us better.

The moment I pushed myself away from the wall, and began walking toward Greta inside, something on the other side of the street caught my attention. A shadow of a figure lingered near a car parked on the side, and two people emerged from it. As I zoomed in closer, I realized I recognized one of the men talking. I squinted to see, and when I got a better look, I recognized Jack Bloom as Reece's main driver. I only knew Jack twice in the past, when Reece introduced us one day. Jason was the only one I knew, the one who drove us to the airport. I had no business snooping around, wondering what these men were talking about, but for some reason it gave me a slight hope that maybe I might finally see Reece again. At the moment, I did not know where he was, what he was doing, or with whom he was. I didn't want to be a stalker, wondering constantly what he was up to...but I needed to know. My fragile spirit needed to be consoled. The thought of seeing him and finding him to be okay would give me peace of mind. However, not knowing where he was or what he was doing at this moment was driving me crazy. Even I couldn't escape the madness I had reached. Reece didn't reach out to me in the past four days, so maybe he didn't want to see me, but I wasn't like him. I had to see him. Even if he wasn't, I needed to know he was okay.

I had no way of knowing if it would turn sideways or go perfectly right unless I gave it a try. My decision to flag down a taxi to follow Jason and the other men driving away into their car put me in a lot of danger right now. A strange feeling stirred in my chest, and I couldn't shake it off. What was I doing? What was this leading me to? I told the driver to follow the car in front of us on a very low speed, and he did just that. As I contemplated the consequences of my actions, I leaned back against the seat and chewed on my lip. How did I get here? What would I gain from this? Could he have gone there with another woman, and Jason and these men had to service her? I wouldn't be able to handle the pain. I did not want to follow them if this is what I was going to see. My intention was to tell the driver to stop, turn around, and take me back to the club. However, I I did not stop the driver from taking the turn. After about twenty minutes, the car in front of us came to a complete stop. 

What I didn't understand was why we were here of all places. I didn't recognize the place, but everything about it seemed spooky and wrong. The abandoned building stood tall and proud in front of us, and everything around it was devoid of life. It was too dark to figure out where we were, but I knew we were in some sort of bad territory. Both my driver and I felt out of place here. The men climbed out of the car and looked around before entering the building. They missed me completely because of the way we were parked, but I saw them. Neither I nor the driver spoke a word. It was not his intention to push me out, nor was it my intention to step out. We simply stared out of the window at the building that screamed danger.

"I heard of this place before. You know, no one comes here. This is a marked territory where only bad things happen, and never good." The young driver, just a boy in his 20's with boyish charms, and blonde hair, caught me off guard. The statement startled me. He's been here before. My head leaned forward. 

"What's inside?" I inquired, digging my fingers into the plush seats.

"I don't know, I've never been inside. But whatever it careful." The man turns his head away, and I know it's time to get out. I don't want to get out of the car, but for some reason I feel compelled to do so. It would be logical to climb back into the car and tell the driver to take me back to the club. Yet I never climb inside of the car. I am left behind as the boy drives away. What if my instincts were wrong, and he wasn't even here? It was none of my business what Jason and his men were doing here. Yet my gut was telling me otherwise. It didn't feel like I belonged here until I took a good step forward, and my heart hammered against my chest. There was a sense of his presence here.

I pushed forward despite my internal logic. He didn't belong here. Reece wouldn't be here. It felt forbidden here. Perhaps his driver and his men were up to something behind his back. Even though I clearly did not belong here, here I was sneaking into the building when clearly a ripped-up board by the fence taunted me.

Why did I feel his presence here?

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