Blaine: "see you soon rach"

Call ended

"I don't know about you guys, but we have to go" I say and Finn agreed. After the others putting up a small argument, we headed our way to the club.

I go back inside to see kurt clutching his sides and deep in laughter whilst Santana is wide eyed and looks mortified. When her dance is finally over she grabs my hand and leads me to a stage with a pole whilst Kurt sits up excitedly.

"What are we doing San?" I ask whilst laughing and she whispers something to a DJ. A sexy tune starts playing and I laugh hysterically as Santana dances, she even manages to do it on the pole which makes it even better. I look at kurt and once again he has fallen down in laughter, his laugh is so contagious  that it makes me laugh even more.

Then all of a sudden, Santana grabs my hand and makes me dance with her. At first I can't because I'm laughing too much but then I get into it and wink at kurt who looks like he's about to pass out due to laughter. We're actually pretty good and it's even funnier because people are giving us money.

We finally found this club and we can hear loud music and cheers from the outside. We walk in and see kurt rolling on the floor laughing and we all laugh at the sight. There's a wall in the way so we can't see what he's looking at so we walk in further and see Santana and Rachel on a pole!

I join kurt on the floor as I see Santana and Rachel dancing and laughing on stage, Finn however looks pissed. He waits for the song to end and walks over.

When the song ends me and Santana laugh hysterically and then I feel two strong arms lift me up and carry me. I look down to see my Finn.

"Finny" I squeal whilst wrapping my arms around him, but he doesn't smile or say anything back. He takes me to a table where the others guys are sat and he places me down.

"What's wrong?" I ask him puzzled and he ignores me and walks to the bar.

"What's up with him?" I ask the others and they shrug. I sigh and sit next to Kurt and we share a look and laugh hysterically again.

It really hurt my feelings seeing her up on the stage and dancing. I get that her and Santana are wasted and just having fun but the amount of guys that hit on her makes me feel insecure and it's like she's asking for it.

I go to the bar and get the drinks. Kurt insisted that we stay here because it's 'fun' so I just agreed, too tired to argue. I made my way back to the table, ignoring the offers from guys for a lap dance. I get there to see kurt and Rachel laughing hysterically and the others looking confused.

"Rachel, why'd you leave me back there" I whined, It was actually fun.

"I got dragged away" she giggled and cars a side wards glance at Finn who looked pissed.

"Come onnn" I yelled dragging her up. "They're asking for us" I wiggled my eyebrows and Kurt and Rachel burst into fits of laughter. Before any of us can say anything else, a guy in a suit comes over.

"Excuse me ladies, I'm the owner of this club and couldn't help but notice you up there. You guys are amazing and I could use some girls with your experience working here" he suggests.

"PFFTTTPP" that was the sound of Kurt spitting his drink out and laughing AGAIN. This time puck, Sam and Blaine are joining in and I notice frankenteen looking angrier.

"Sorry but we just came here for some fun and then one thing lead to another and we ended up on that stage. We've never done this before" I chuckled and he looked shocked.

"Wow, you guys are great. How about I get your numbers and we can talk about this another time" he asks.

When he asked for our numbers, Finn stormed out and Sam followed, I run after them.

"Finn!" I shout and he doesn't reply, Sam walks with me and I run up to Finn when I catch up to him.

"Hey what's the matter?" I ask and he turns around.

"What's the matter?" He scoffs "what's the natter is that you have guys hanging all over you all night Rachel and then to make matters worse you go to a strip club and act like a little whore" he shouts and I'm shocked. He must see my saddened expression because his face immediately softens.

"Rach-" he starts. "Just go back to the hotel Finn" I say quietly and walk back to the club. Sam looks shocked and I can tell he heard everything, I ask him to make sure he gets himself and Finn back safe and he agrees before giving me a small hug. Without looking back to Finn I re enter the club.

I sat next to Santana and quietly told her what just happened. I'm not in the mood to party anymore and I think she can tell as she suggests that we go back to the hotel and I can share her bed. Kurt, Blaine and puck come with us and we all head back.

The others were talking and laughing but honestly I wasn't in the mood anymore, I was embarrassed and hurt and I wanted to hide under the covers and cry.

We get to Santana's room and can see Sam already snoring away, Santana borrows me a pair of pyjamas and we fall asleep.

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