Chapter 40: Castle Deliveries

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🌻Anna's Pov🌻
The carriage driver smiled when he spotted me in the kitchen."My name is Nikki," he said, tipping his hat. "I am here with the day's deliveries." He was tall and strong, with gray hair.
"The day's deliveries?" I asked. It sounded like he had been there before.
Olins turned from the fire to greet the carriage driver. "Nikki brings our supplies at this time every day," she explained to me. "Everything the castle could need or want."
I realized why I had never met him. He always came when I was having tea with my mom.
Curious, I looked at Nikko. "What do you do with the supplies?" I asked.
"I make my rounds inside the castle, dropping off whatever was ordered," he replied.
That sounded like an adventure to me.
"Can I help?" I asked him.
"I would be honored to have you join me," said Nikko.
I put my sheet-dress aside and followed Nikko outside.
One by one, Nikko lifted the bundles out of the carriage, setting them on the ground. Some were small and light, like the white box that felt like it was full of air. Some were large and heavy, like the brown sack that came out last.
Nikko slung the sack over his shoulder. "This sugar goes to the kitchen," he told me. "Let's make that our first stop." He seemed happy to have a helper.
"This sugar will be good for baking,Anna," Olina said as Nikko hoisted the sack onto a shelf.
      "But not right now," I said. "I have work to do!"
I grinned. Now I was just as busy as the other people in the castle.
      The next delivery was for Kai and Gerda. It was a feather duster. I dipped the feather duster as if it was my dance partner. Then I twirled with it all the way to the castle library, where Kai and Gerda were tidying the shelves.
I held the new delivery behind my back. "I have something for you," I said brightly.
"Is it my birthday?" Gerda asked.
"It's delivery time!" I exclaimed. It felt like I was giving Gerda a present.
Next Nikko brought a crate of onions for Anders, the gardener. I helped him load it into the cart and roll it through the castle courtyard to the garden.
      This delivery was mysterious, I thought. Didn't onions belong in the kitchen? But there were many things I did not know about life in the castle. Maybe onions were Anders's favorite food.
      When me and Nikko found him, Anders was trimming a hedge. "We have your onions!" I announced.
      Nikko ad Anders both looked at me, confused. "Onions?" Anders asked.
      "Yes," I said, opening the crate. "Enough to last a long time."
      Anders peered into the crate and laughed. "Those are my tulip bulbs!" he said. "They do look like onions, I suppose. But I will plant them now, and soon we will have beautiful flowers."
      I spent the rest of the morning following Nikko everywhere, from the bell tower to the guard tower and from the chapel to the great hall. Nikko did the heavy lifting, and I pushed his cart. I loved visiting every corner of the castle and the way each of the bundles felt like a big surprise.
      When we finished our work, me and Nikko returned to the kitchen, where Miss Larsen was waiting for us. Nikko put his feet up to rest, but I could not stay. Miss Larsen said, "It's time for your lessons,Anna. You will see Nikko again tomorrow."
      I waved goodbye to Nikko as I followed my governess out of the kitchen. Making deliveries had almost made me forget missing my parents— and Elsa.

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