Things will never be the same, will they, my love? - episode 13, season 2

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Note from the author:

Hello again, dear friends and readers! I hope you are not too upset with me, after staying away for so long from my fanfic! The thing is I spent the past three months dedicating myself to my new book, which is practicaly done and I hope I can publish it soon! Counting on your support, wish me luck!

Anyway, thank you for all your reviews, love and support. I read each message and I hope this new chapter can please you! The next one, will be released pretty soon, I promise!

Love, Rita


- Maybe I'm being too indiscrete, after all... I should mind my own business... forgive my lack of propriety. – Suddenly said Captain Woo Dong Choi.

Jeong Hyeok felt all the muscles in his body relaxing, but his father wasn't so sure that man would give up so easily, more than being honest that guy was being ironic and that could only mean he wouldn't rest until he'd get what he wanted: power...
- You are. In deed you are. This is my house, the home of my family and you seem to forget who you are talking to. If you have any doubt, what so ever, why don't you ask directly to me or the Supreme Leader? You should know I am his man of trust...

Captain Woo Dong Choi cheeks were now so red, as if they were about to explode. The old man was a clever man, he sure was...

- Please, Sir, I never intended to doubt of you or your family... Forgive my lack of discretion...

- I imagine you have ambitions... I used to be young myself too... but don't you dare suspecting me or my family. I still am who I am and you better keep that in mind – he stared at the young officer, too embarrassed to face him, in the eyes: - I didn't get where I got by being a rattlesnake.

Jeong Hyeok was, however, relieved to see he would be able to take Se Ri out of the house, safely. In her condition, any commotion, any stress could lead to unpredictable consequences and if, by any reason, she'd had to return to the hospital, they probably wouldn't be lucky again, to escape from Captain Woo Dong Choi's suspicion. Someone from the hospital would immediately let him know of Se Ri's admittance and that could mean her being arrested and killed, his family ruined and his life being destroyed for good.

He then focused in remaining silent and let his father teach that guy a lesson. He could read in his eyes he knew something that could compromise his family but he desperately needed evidence to take the next step...

After watching him leave and make sure he was on his way do his car, Jeong Hyeok whispered to his father:

- This was close... Who's this guy, anyway?

- Some new officer, eager to get noticed and get my position...

- What?! No way! You are one of the most important members of the government...

- Yes, but I'm getting old and his father, a perfect asshole is behind this, I'm sure. Luckily for this guy he wasn't born with is father's low IQ. He is dangerous; I can tell, so the sooner we put the plan in motion, the better for all of us. We're gonna have to be extra careful... for us, of course, but most of all for Se Ri and the unborn babies. I'm afraid something very bad will happen if she's caught and we must do everything in our power to prevent that from happening. Go check on your wife... I'll set everything to have this meeting in one hour, in the secret room...

- Sure, I'll meet you downstairs in one hour and make sure Seo Dan and the special agent are there too.

Jeong Hyeok was already leaving the room when he suddenly stopped and turned to his father, saying:

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