E;ATMV- Momma CQ 4

98 7 1

"Mhmm! F-fuck..."

Everyone was gone from the house expect the three that didn't belong. the kids where at school and momma went out to see a friend. Ganz was in the room getting jerked off by Mel. Where was dream and error? They went to the roof... Error wanted to relax his nerves to calm the pain

"Look at you.... Such a pervert"

"Mmm! Oh y-ya... N-not so! Wh-why you stopping?"

"Who says I am... I'm just gonna give the tip some attention"

"Mmm! M-mel... Your teasing..."

"Heh, maybe... You wanted me to continue huh? Like this? Oh ruff and fast like this?"

"Mah! L-like that!"

The wet sounds and his moans were filling the room. Mel watched him smirking wife enjoying the view. Ganz  was leaning on him drooling some mouth opened, holding his arm and bed.

"I-im gonna cum! Shit! M-mel..."

"Hmmm~ not yet baby"

"P-please.. Let me... Undo that... C-come on"

"No sir~ your not allowed~"


Ganz glared at him annoyed from the magic pin he put. Mel used his magic again taking out his and putting it in his. Ganz was in his lap after all so it wasn't length to length. GZ gripped the bed seeing him jerk them both off

"F-fuck! This isnt!"

"Oh ya.... Just hold on"

"Mmm! J-juts let me! I can't stand it Mel!"

"Not my issue.... Ganz~"

"Hey guys can..."

Dream walked in starring. Ganz look at him pleading for help so he can cum whole Mel barried himself into ganz neck going faster.... Why was him watching a turn on? The sunshine licked his dry lips (teeth I know) watching intensely not moving.

"F-fuck! St-stop standing! Mhmm! Ahh~ please! Let me!"

"Not yet Ganz... Just little bit longer"

"Dream? Did you.... Dream? What's the mat... ter...."

"N-not you too! Ahh~"

"Holy shit ganz... I'm close"


"Ya... I know how you feel...."

"I-im gonna cum... Fuck.... You wanna cum huh? Do ya?"

"Y-yes! Please! Just let me!"

"Holy shit..."

Error couldn't take it anymore going over to them. He quickly undid the magic taking them both in his mouth. They both gasped as dream kept starring. They both cane on the spot as error took it all licking his lips.


"Y-you damn..."

Dream gulped locking the door know in whats going to happen before going to sit. Error went on top of ganz taking off his jacket throwing it. They started making out with Melly attacking his neck. Dream could just sit watching feeling heated from it. His breathes were picking up with his pants tightening... The sight of this... It was to much...

His hand went in his pants messing with the erection. This can't be happening.... Error trailed down his bones, since there clothes were gone thanks to magic, enjoying him. Ganz never really turns on his full Ecto unless he really wants to... Or it's in a very hot moment. Mel disappeared from under him.

"Why don't you come joing us dream? Instead of watching like a pervert? Your even jerking off to us"


"Leave him be... He will eventually"

"W-wait! Don't even! Ah!"

Error slammed him self down on him and Mel went inside. Dream moaned loudly throwing his head back catchig there attention. Holy hell that was a hard turn on for them... Very bad...

"Holy.... Mmm!"

"Damn dream.... You don't know how much I want to attack you right now"

"Same error... Let's finish this first"

"Of course"

"W-wait don't! Ahhh~ holy! Mhm fuah! F-faster!"

"There you go ganz... Y-ya"

"Mmm! You like this huh?"


"You and your ruff play! Fuck!"

"Maybe... But you all enjoy it dream"

"Shit... I'm gonna..."

"Oh no you don't"

"Hmmhmm! D-dont do that! Melancholy! R-remove it!"

"Nope~ mmm~ ganz is lost in pleasure right now... He can't even tell what's going on"

"Ya he is! Oh man!"

"Shit... I'm gonna cum again"

"Hmmm! I'm close too!"

"T-this isn't fair! Mah!"

"Your still going... Your own fault! Mmm~ Ganz~ error~"

"Mel~ Ganz~"

"You guys~ j-just let me!"

"Damn... That was..."

"Oh? Back to your senses?"

"Screw ya... Go do dream already"

"Nah... I'll let error have his fun... We had fun with him without error"

"Oh ho? This be good"

"F-fuck... No... Don't... Mhm! Ahh~ error~ more~"

"Heh, just from me suckingg you slightly on the neck? Oh we will have a blast"

To be continued....

(Sorry for mistakes... I had to make a lemon okay? Just so you guys can get a drift of what happens)

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