E;ATMV- PJs Daycare 1

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"Ow! God damn... Where the hell am I?"

The glitch got up annoyed groaning. He looked around confused before sport in a building. It was blurry so he had to find his glasses.... Just great.. were would they...

"A-are these yours?"

"Hm? Yes... Thanks... Um"

"Wait... Er-error!? When did you grow!?"

"Huh? I don't know you and im always like this? Who are you?"

"Um, th-the names gr-gradient... S-sorry your error?"

"Yes... That's my name... Where in the multiverss is this au?"

'Huh? Au? What's he doing with his hand?'

Gradient jumped seeing a box appear. It was glitch in about but can be read if tried. Error groans turning to gradient...

"Pj's daycare... It's like a separate multiverse but is an au... You are... You kidding me right?"
'He would be me and inks child!? But isn't here!?'

"Uh, is everything okay? And what's that?"

"You can see it... Hmm... Makes sense... I'm error... The original error. This is an au or to be known, an alternate universe.... That's why I look like this... And you don't exist in mine.... Well you would of if..."

"Uh.... Ok-okay? Uh... How about we go inside? P-pj, my brother, can check if your lying or not.. Hehe.... I-im not one for that"

"Hmmm... Alright... Not that I mind... Nowhere else I can go since I was brought here by force"

They both left inside with awkward silence. Error can definitely tell gradient would his child... There two similar... Gradient then got hugged hu someone making error raise an eyebrow

"Hey honey"

"Hehe, nice to see you! Who our frie! Error!?"

"I... I don't know... Wh-where my brother?"

"Over there.... Apparently Reaper almost touch a kid so he scolding him"


"You okay?"

"Hm? Oh I'm fine... Don't worry... The god of death is getting..."

Error was snickering behind his hand not able not handle it. A tug then came to him making him stop. He looked seeing the worst thing.

"Oh hell no! Get this fuNKing parasite away!"

"Unradical mouth bro... You look like brother error and even act like him"

"Oh god... I'm related to you here!? Why does the multiverse do this!? This creator got issues!"


"Fresh!? Where are... There you are! Don't just go running off! Mister PJ! I found him!"

"Oh thank you for finding your brother Geno! Oh gradient! What a... Is that error?"

"Yes I'm error... Geno even..."

"PJ... Um... Chat with him... I'll watch the kids for minute... Come on you two"


"So... Your error... But errors only a child? How... And I was just.... Who are you really?"

"Listen... I'm not your error okay? Other universes and multiverse exist. Yours is just an au of the original multiverse. where I come from PJ"
'So he's like ink.. But with my...'

"I... I really dont know what to believe any more..."

"Look... I don't either... I wish I never came here but I did... Something brought me here by force... I just want to get home... My home..."

"Im so sorry! You came stay with me then! Is that... Error? Oops... He crashed... Just like our error... Seems his process goes faster though"

"... Don't just do that! I'm not use to surprise hugs from anyone besides blue or dream! Sometimes killer but that's it! I may be good with touching a bit now but still!"

"My apologies, heh, didn't think you would.... So? It's okay?"

"Ya... It's fine... I'll help with the kids if you want"

"Uhh.... I don't know..."

"It can't be hard... I live with those idiots.... Idiots as in horror, killer, dust, list/unlust, red, cross and sometimes others... WWhen nightmares not around I have to make sure they don't blow up the mansion"

"I.... I don't want to know... Come though! I'm sure you probably know everyone but I'll introduce to who you don't okay? Also... Thing are probably twisted here"

"I already can tell.... Me, Geno and fresh are not related originally... But I guess we have a bond that can be say like that but I disagree"

To be continued......

(Sorry for mistakes)

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