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Gemma's head snaps up when Damon walks into her room, smiling innocently and holding a cup of tea as a peace offering. She stiffens in her spot at the end of her bed, a headache pulsing through her temple. She rises silently, shuffling toward Damon and taking the cup of tea— putting it down on her desk all in one motion.

"Gem," he starts softly.

"I'm so angry I could hit you," she says. "I could hit you."

Damon winces, "yeah."

"We both know how I feel about violence, especially within the family," Gemma stares at him. "But I could kick your ass right now, Damon."

He nods.

Stefan rounds the corner into Gemma's room, stilling at the sight of his two siblings. "Don't tell me you already let him off the hook."

"Not even close, little brother," Gemma mumbles. She turns away from them and grabs her cup of tea, taking a long sip of t.

"I got the town off our back," Damon pipes up. "It was for the greater good, but I'm sorry. And, to prove it, I'm not gonna feed on a human—"

Gemma snorts.

"For at least a week," he finishes. "I'll adopt a Stefan diet! Only nothing with feathers."

"Because I realize that killing your closest and oldest friend is beyond evil, and yet somehow, it's worthy of humor," Stefan mocks his brother.

Gemma runs a hand through her hair with a heavy sigh, sitting on her bed and preparing herself to watch the scene unfold between her two brothers.

"Are you mimicking me?" Damon gapes.

"Yes, Stefan. Now that the secret society of vampires haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan's life this week?"

"And I can go back to sulking and Elena-longing and forehead brooding," Damon tries. He laughs, "This is fun! I like this."

"And I will finally reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic Falls."

"Yeah," Damon glares. "I'm done. That's just like you, Damon. Always have to have the last word."

Stefan rolls his eyes and glances at Gemma, raising his eyebrows. "You want in on this?"

"No," she deadpans. "I'd rather stake myself."

Damon exits the room— occupying himself with something else— while Stefan lingers in his sisters room. "Gem," he starts. Her eyes cut into his with a sharp look and a heavy breath escapes him. "You wanna talk about last night?"

"What about last night?"

"Elena said—"

"Elena said—" she mocks him. "Elena did this, Elena did that—"

"Okay, I get it," he relents. "I was just worried about you."

"I'm perfectly fine," she blinks.

"You don't seem fine."

"You don't either," Gemma bites back. "If you forgot, Lexi died."

The youngest Salvatore winces at her words, "how could I forget? I was there, Gemma, while you were here drunk off your ass. Do you know how hard it is for vampires to get that drunk? Yet somehow, you still managed."

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