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Gemma blinks, her eyes blurring against the dark streets. She decided to take a walk after her conversation with Elena. She felt like she was suffocating in that house, having to listen to Elena's giggles and Stefan's soft, whispered words. It wasn't long before the girl was stopping in her tracks, the sound of metal crashing resonating through the air.

She pauses for a short second, her eyes slipping closed as she listens for a heartbeat.

She hears what she's looking for, and so much more.

Gemma's eyes snap open and she clenches her jaw, releasing a heavy sigh as she uses her vampire speed to get to wherever Elena is. She makes it to the wrecked car in no time, appearing at the side of the Gilbert's window. Elena lets out a defeaning shriek, causing Gemma to wince and glare at the girl.

"You're always getting into trouble, aren't you?" Gemma muses.

"Gem?" Elena croaks, opening her eyes. Her brown orbs fill with relief and her body visibly slumps. "Thank God you're here."

"Mm," Gemma studies Elena's position in the car. "You look stuck, Miss Gilbert."

"It's my seat belt," the girl explains. "I can't get it."

Whenever Elena starts struggling, trying to get out on her own, Gemma quickly stops her. She taps the girl on the cheek, gaining her attention rather quickly. "Listen to me," the female Salvatore gazes into Elena's glassy eyes with a frown. "If you struggle, it's gonna hurt more. I need you to relax and stay still. Let me do this, Elena."

Elena nods and Gemma flashes her a tight smile. "Okay," she sighs. "Put your hands on the roof, okay?" Elena does as told, sending Gemma a questioning look and the vampire nods, murmuring a small good as she reaches in past the girl to rip the seat belt. "You ready?" Elena hums and Gemma quickly tears it, catching the human and pulling her out of the car before the broken glass can do any damage. She hauls the girl up with her, one of her hands gripping Elena's waist and the other grabbing her jaw to redirect her swimming gaze. "Are you okay?"

"Uh—huh," Elena mutters.

Gemma narrows her eyes, letting the girl go all at once, but quickly having to scoop her up whenever she sways to the side. "I'm sure," she says wryly. "Listen to me, Elena—" she forces the girl to look at her again. "Focus, look at me. Keep looking at me, okay?"

Elena moves her face closer to Gemma's, sorrow filling her features. "I look like her."

Gemma's blood runs cold, her breath leaving her. "What?" Before Elena can reiterate, she faints into Gemma's arms, leaving the Salvatore vampire scrambling for answers. She holds Elena still with one hand while slipping her phone out of her pocket, dialing a familiar number.

"Baby sis, what can I do for you on this fine evening?"

Gemma pauses, looking down the road. "Um," she swallows thickly. "You up for a road trip?"


Gemma sits in the backseat of Damon's car, an open book propped up in her lap as Elena's limp form leans against her; the girl still passed out from her earlier accident. The human begins to stir and the female Salvatore straightens up, closing her book softly.

"Morning," Damon chirps from the drivers seat.

Elena sits up, her eyes darting from Damon to Gemma; a questioning gaze present. "Where are we?"

"You want a peach, peach?" Gemma drawls, smirking down at the girl.

Elena squints before scoffing, shaking her head. "There's no way..." she trails off, cradling her head in between her hands before meeting Gemma's eyes, her stare frantic. "Georgia? No, no, we're not."

when the party's over | elena gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now