08|162 CANDLES

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Gemma lies on the couch, her feet kicked up onto the back of it. Her eyes flutter as she stares at the ceiling, the quiet breathing of Stefan sleeping upstairs fueling her own exhaustion. Her head jerks up as the front door slams closed, a whisk of air causing her to scramble into a sitting position. "Please," she begs aloud. "I've done enough villainous deeds this week, I can't take anymore."

"Oh, my," a familiar voice faux pouts from behind Gemma. The Salvatore whips around but not faster than Lexi can pounce, both girls rolling off of the couch in a heap. Lexi gets the upper hand, pinning Gemma by her wrists, smirking down at the wide eyed girl. "And exactly how naughty have you been, miss Salvatore?"

Gemma gazes up at Lexi, her lips quirked. "Not nearly as much as you."

Lexi laughs, getting off of the girl and hovering over her, offering the dark haired vampire a hand up. "So," Lexi raises her eyebrows. "How are things?"

Gemma huffs, brushing herself off. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she mutters.

Lexi hums, studying the girl. "Stefan's asleep?" Gemma gives the blonde a nod and she smiles, excitement glistening in her orbs.

The man in question ambles down the stairs, knuckling at his eyes as he gives his sister a questioning look. "Who were you talking to?"

"Myself," Gemma shrugs. "I have a lot on my mind."

"Right," he stares at her. His head snaps over to the bookshelf when a book falls off of it, thumping to the ground. "Gem..." He trails off.

Gemma crosses her arms, giving her brother a wry smile. "Maybe it's the ghost of Christmas past, Stefan, I don't know."

One of the doors on the side of the house crawl open and Stefan shakes his head, trudging over to close it. Lexi rushes across the room in a blur, tackling Stefan to the ground when he turns from closing the doors.

"Lexi?" He gapes, his eyes darting between his sister and the blonde. "Gem, did you know—"

"Hi," Lexi cuts him off. "Hello, I'm right here." She grabs his hands and hauls him up, grinning up at him.

"What are you doing here?" He laughs.

Lexi pulls him into a hug, "How could you even ask that?"

"I missed you," he expresses to her.

Lexi pulls back from the hug, leaving her hands on Stefan's shoulder. "Happy Birthday,"

"Happy 162nd birthday," Gemma emphasizes, her face screwing up into a grimace. "God, I never thought I'd have to say that to you."

Stefan rolls his eyes, "it's just because it makes you feel older."

"Right, well," Gemma glares. "Let's get this party started."

Gemma lets her head loll back as she watches Lexi and her brother, the two vampires playfully slapping at each other as they converse about the recent events around Mystic Falls.

"Stop," the blonde giggles. "I don't know, some freak shot at me with wooden bullets. I'd bail in under sixty. And why is a news reporter hunting vampires?"

"I don't know who knows about us," Stefan replies. "That guy did. There could be others. Do me a favor, while you're here, please be careful."

"Why stay?" She hops off of the bed, tugging a strand of Gemma's hair as she shuffles last. "I'm headed to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi in the Garden." She turns and grins at Stefan, "Wanted dead or alive, it's our theme song. It'll be a blast."

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