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Thank you guys for 500 reads!! I'm so glad I have an audience who continues to read each chapter i love u guys :) ALSO: the yule ball in this story takes place a week before christmas, not on christmas eve like how it was in the real HP story so, there u go. Enjoy this one lol


"Be careful here by yourself, Adela. Everyone else leaves campus, I've never heard of a student staying for winter break other than, Draco, his parents couldn't be bothered to bring him back." Hermoine was hurriedly packing her things.

"Draco stays here for break?"

"Yeah, which is why I want you to be safe. Two weeks here is a long time, especially when its just you and him."

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll be fine, Moine." I said rolling my eyes.

It wasn't like my parents hated me. They loved me dearly. It's just, living in the muggle world is far more difficult. My mom and dad never seemed to stop working and told me that it'd be best I stayed here with the other students, rather than being home alone for Christmas. I didn't tell them I'd be alone here either. They already felt bad enough working through such an important holiday.

"Well, I'm off with the others to Hogsmeade. Promise you'll write? Please let me know if Draco drives you mad in here. I'll send a port key to my house faster than you can think about it." Hermoine held my shoulder.

"See you in two weeks. Merry Christmas." I said, upset to see my friends leave without me.

"Merry Christmas, Adela."

The next day was quite lonely. I spent most of it roaming the castle grounds, exploring secret rooms, finding new corridors to get myself lost in when school resumed. I plopped down under a willow tree on the courtyard between two archways. I flipped open my book to the page I'd left off on. To Kill a Mockingbird had always been my favorite. The way Jem and Scout found themselves in the most obscure places, finding the most interesting gifts in that big tree. I dreamed of life back in the 30's. If my father was more like Atticus Finch, how I think I'd be raised to be more outspoken and brave, perhaps he'd have been a Gryffindor. Then, just out of my hearing, two voices were conspiring. The sounds made their way closer to the courtyard, when I spotted the pair. It was Draco Malfoy and who I'd assumed, his father. They both shared the silver white hair.

"Now, boy, the Dark Lord is almost ready to begin, which means we'll need you very soon."

"Yes, father."

Draco looked completely different. Not physically, but he was solemn, depressed, deep into his thoughts. He looked scared of the man in front of him. Finally, I could put a face to the man who'd traumatized him for so long. What did they mean, The Dark Lord? And why did they need him?

"Make sure you keep watch on Hogwarts. I was told no other students were staying here. We just have to avoid Filch, which won't be an issue. But if you find anyone else here, let me know so I can properly dispose of them." His father ordered.

If they saw me, I was in big trouble. I crawled slowly behind the thick bark of the willow, covering my mouth.

"You won't disappoint him, Draco. We're so close."

The two walked off, disappearing into one of the many doorways. I should've been more careful before, I was so busy exploring, I could've been seen. Who knows what would've happened to me. Would I have been killed by the Dark Lord?

This winter break was going to be harder than I thought.

Two days later I was making my way off campus, to Hagrid's Hut. A large burly man Harry had introduced me to at the start of term. He almost became our father figure while in school. Maybe he'd know what was going on with the Malfoy family.

"Hagrid? Are you in here?" I scanned the rusty old hut, made of mud and straw. There was a kettle on the fire and a miniature blue radio was playing some type of classical music.

"Ah, Adela! Why're you here? The Hogwarts Express left days ago!" Hagrid's gruff voice seemed to make the room rattle.

"My parents are busy working and felt I'd be better off staying here for break. But, Hagrid...I have a question." I asked, nervous to hear the answer.

"Well fire away!" He said.

"Two days ago, I saw Draco Malfoy, with his father in the courtyard. They were talking about the Dark Lord and how they were ready for something...Does that mean anything to you?" I questioned.

Hagrid's face tightened. A frightened look grew on his face.

"Oh dear. I'm afraid I do know what he means. The Dark Lord is an evil wizard. He graduated from Hogwarts, you know. Ever since then, he's been growing more powerful. He's trying to take over the magic world with his evil, wretched, dark magic. As for Lucius, I have no idea why they'd be working with him. Sure they aren't the nicest lads, but something like this would be treason!"

"Thank you, Hagrid. Erm, one more thing. Draco's father said he'd dispose of any student he found on school grounds during this break. Is there anything you can give me for staying out of sight?" I asked, quite desperate for help.

"Well you've come to the right place young lady." He went over to the trunk by his bed and pulled out a dark blue cloak. "Here it is! The invisibility cloak. Wear this when you come across the Malfoy's and they won't be able to see you. This will definitely come in handy. Now, I leave tomorrow, so stay safe and keep that thing in one piece." He motioned to the cloak. I took a breath, said goodbye, and walked back up the hill to the castle.

Nightfall was looming and I had to get back to my room, part of my routine of not getting caught and fed to the death eating, Dark Lord worshiping monsters. As I was making my way to the grand staircase, I heard voices, once again conspiring.

There was a door left ajar. I threw on the invisibility cloak and went in to investigate.

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