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author disclaimer: thank you so much for 100 reads and 10 votes!! im so ecstatic! I never thought people would be interested in something i write and seeing people react and interact is so incredibly special to me. im forever thankful for the wattpad readers on this platform. okok no more sappy, back to the story :)


(Draco's POV)

"C'mon Draco, don't lose focus. Remember what I taught you. Do not trust anyone at Hogwarts. The only person you can rely on is yourself. Never. Let. Them. In."

My father routinely reminded me of how I was expected to behave when I was at school. If you have nothing rude to say, then don't bother speaking at all. Don't think about how your words might affect others, they don't matter. Keep your walls up at all times, never show them your weaknesses.

Lucius Malfoy tried his hardest to uphold his family name. Being his only offspring to carry on the bloodline, he strategically guided me into a way of life that would ensure my success as a dark wizard. Why should I oppose? He only wanted what was in my best interest. His words were key to my behavior towards the students I faced daily.

"I see you're beginning to soften up. Is it because of a girl? I swear on the Dark Lord almighty Draco, if it is, then you know what punishment is in store for you." My father seethed with anger and hatred.

"I don't care who or what is causing this falter in your attitude, but it will stop. It will stop now. No exceptions, do you understand me, boy?"

"Yes, father, I understand."

"Good, that's a good boy."

(Adela's POV)

On a night like any other, I was laying in bed carefully examining my wand. I always got so lost in its magnificent carvings. The detailed spirals in the wood, the ridges and designs running down the sides. This wand had chosen me for a reason. I turned it between my fingers when an idea popped into my head.

Try the soulmate charm.

The soulmate charm was something I saw when flipping through my textbook. I was looking for the summoning charm when this one caught my eye. I remembered it's purpose ever since. Cast this charm and a vision of your destined soulmate will appear.

I sat up and planted my feet on the ground. Wand lifted high, I recited the spell with a flicking motion of my hand. Soon, the room went blurry. Flashes of light began to appear in my vision. Images of a boy came and went. At first, I couldn't make out who it was, then the images became clearer. They were memories of Draco and I. Flashbacks danced in front of my eyes. According to the charm, he was my destined soulmate. My lust for him grew tenfold that night.

I yearned for our next encounter. Would it be a steamy exchange behind the school? A romantic rendezvous in the Great Hall after hours? I let my mind take me to these places. I was daydreaming about these ideas while walking through the left wing corridor. Then a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside, the fantasies quickly dissipating.

"You forget any and everything that happened between us, got that mudblood? Or do I need to spell it out for you. Stay the fuck away from me or I will make your life a living hell. Don't you dare speak to me again. Now run along, I wasn't planning on making conversation."

The words hit me like the Hogwarts Express. The other side of Draco Malfoy I thought I knew, was too good to be true. As quickly as he initiated our romance, he took it away. The rug had been snatched from beneath me.

And just like that, we were back to square one.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now