Chapter thirty six

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"Mom" Marcella called out as she walked into the Foyer

"Marcella. My God"
"Where is she?"
"Where have you been we've been worried sick"

"I am sorry mom. Where is she?, is she okay?"
"She's fine. Calm down" Dara said "Ethan, your parents have been worried sick, you should go home. Thank you for today"

"You are welcome, ma'am. Good night. Good night Marcella"
"Good night Ethan"
    They hugged briefly before he left.

       Timi couldn't feel his legs despite the fact that he had been staring at them since they came into the living area again. All he really wanted to do was go home and bury his head between his wife's cleavage. He didn't even mind if all he could get was the chance to lay down on the couch for a minute or more.

     His wife had brought him paracetamol and a glass of water without him even telling her how he was feeling. He couldn't wait for all this to be over so he could go home with his wife and kids and pretend to live a normal life till the next day or the day after when he would have to report himself to Grandfather again.
        He looked over to the woman he now knew as Debola hug her child as she cried. He had almost lost his child and he couldn't imagine the pain he would have felt.

         The doors opened and two of the most important women in his life came in. He stood up abruptly and took long fast strides towards the door hoping to shout at Marcella for being so careless.

      They would get involved in a little back and forth and he would ground her. Debola had explained so much to them. He couldn't believe his Grandfather and Uncle could be so diabolical despite knowing better. She had tried to reach out and they had shut her off.
     He did not expect what she did. She hugged him. She wrapped her hands around him and all the things he had hoped to say vanished from his thoughts.

"I am sorry, Dad" she whispered "nothing was your fault. It's all Grandfather's "
    He couldn't rebuke her or try to defend the old man. Everything was his fault. Everything he has done and will one day have to do was his fault and his alone.

He patted her back slowly before kissing her head. "I am sorry too"
    She kissed him on his cheeks before walking away towards the middle of the living area where her friend sat beside her mom.

     "Azeezat!" She started to cry at the sight of her friend covered with a blanket.
     Azeezat couldn't stop crying. No matter how hard she tried.

"Are you okay"
"I am fine"
"Do you remember anything at all"

"It was all so hazy after the explosion and I thought it was just how the rescue team worked.the driver and body guard were different but they dressed like the rest" she was terrified and every word took forever to come out of her mouth.

"Where did they find her?"
"In front of the house. They blind folded her and made her kneel down between two dead men. Most likely the ones that abducted her"

"Do we know who they are?" She asked looking at her uncle.

"They are not from around here. Probably hired by someone here " he replied

"Did you hear anything or see anything. Any clue"

"Don't put pressure on her. Just leave us alone" Debola said loudly as she pushed Marcella away.
      Everyone else in the room adjusted their stance like a pack of wolves that would attack any moment for touching one of them.

"I am sorry. I am a bit on edge. We would like to leave now. Please" Debola said as she cried. She pulled her daughter up from the couch they had been sitting.

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