You steal my heart.💖 (Thief Red eye x Police officer Val)

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It's a normal night but suddenly alarm of jewelry shop startling ringing. Someone broke the glass of the window to enter in the shop. He look around.

"Damn....Look at those beautiful jewelries." He say evilly. He is Red eye. one of the biggest thief of the city.

"Faster, please. I don't want police to come here and caught us..." His partner said as he enter in shop too. He's name is Forneus/ Fubuki.

"Forneus/Fubuki is right. We don't have whole day to stay here." Red eye's third partner says. He's name is Devolos/ Delta.

"Sure.~" Red eye said as he smirk.

They start putting all the jewelries in there bags.

"Done. Now, let's go before police came." Devolos/Delta said because he don't want to caught. But then suddenly someone kick the door.

"Hands up you all...!!!" A girl with navy blue haired said and she is holding a gun. Her name is Val Aoi.

"Aww....and what you going to do little girl.~" Red eye said and teasing her.

"Well...I have gun and I'm not afaird to use it. So hands up!" Val said and full with determination.

"As you wish.~" Red eye said as put his hands up in surrender.

"You guys too!" Val said to Devolos/Delta and Forneus/Fubuki.

"Okay..." Devolos/Delta said and put his hands up too.

"Hm..." Ferneus/Fubuki did the same but he is holding some in his right hand. Val notice it.

"What is it...!? Put it down!" Val demanded.

Of course." Ferneus/Fubuki said and he throws that smoke boom at val.

"*cough* *cough* H-Hey..!! *cough*" Val start coughing and couldn't see anything. This is Red eye, Ferneus/Fubuki and Devolos/Delta's chance to espace.

"This is our chance..!!" Devolos/Delta yelled.

"No...*cough* you *cough* can't..!!" Val tried to stop them but couldn't because of smoke.

15 minutes later at police station.

"Hm...." Val is sitting on chair and being a sad pup. Her friends Aina and Donna (Aina and Donna are female version of Aiga/Aiger and Drum/Dante)

"What's wrong, Val...?" Aina asked and she give Val a glass of juice.

"Nothing.... Just Red eye's gang escape from me again." Val said as she take a sip.

"There's nothing new about it." Donna said and sit next to Val.

"They're very smart and tricky.." Val said and pout.

"Agreed....I tried to caught them too but I failed badly." Aina admitted her failures.

"Yes but I won't give up..!!" Val said as she stand up.

"Maybe...we get another chance to caught them.." Donna said and take a sip from her cup of juice.

"Sometimes I wonder who is under those masks." Aina said and put leg on table and cross her arms.

"Me too..." Donna said.

"It's doesn't matter how they are. We just know that they are criminals and we have to caught them." Val said and look away.

"Yes and you girls got another chance to caught them." Chris said as she enter in room.

"What's your mean Chris..?" Aiga said to Chris and raise her eyebrows.

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