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I would like to say that I might rewrite the last chappie cause It really was shit . Lol


*few months later*


I pulled the cover over me and snuggled into it . It was cold and Zayn wasn't here in the waiting room with me. He was with Louis , who had passed out while Harry was giving birth . Zayn said he'd come get me when they were done but he hasn't came out and I want to see the baby .

"I'm tired." Jawadd whispered , he was sitting on the chair that was across from me. His chin resting on the palm of his hand.

"Then sleep , love . Zayn will come get us." I curled up on the chair and closed my eyes. I was tired as well , I mean could you blame me? It was 4.39 am .

"No , I'm okay . I wanna see Harrys baby too , you know."

"You can see him tomorrow . Go to bed , lovely." He sighed but nonethless nodded . He stood up and sat in the chair next to me, his head leaning against my blanket covered shoulder . "Are you cold?" He nodded and I took off the blanket and gave it to him.

"But you're gonna be cold." He said trying to give it back but I just smiled softly and kissed his forehead.

"You're more important love. Now go to bed , if Zayn comes out I promise I'll wake you up." He yawned causing me to yawn and nodded .

"Okay ." His eyes closed and in a matter of seconds he was out. I wrapped an arm around him and looked at the telly . We weren't really aloud to be here cause people were still looking for us but now not everybody was looking for us . News of the mental trio had died down after two months and we were left alone .

"You're not falling asleep on me! Are you?" I heard a voice say from the door and I smiled up sleepily ans shook my head .

"Noo... I just had something in my eye and it hurt when I opened it so I kept it closed." I joked. He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. He pointed to Jawadd who was already drooling and snoring. I pulled a disgusted face and pulled away without waking him. I snuggled into Zayn. "Is it a girl?" He shook his head.

"Boy." I squealed. "I would have liked it to have been a girl, honestly."

"Either way you'd love them , yeah?" He nodded with a small smile.

"Course , its family." I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and entwined our fingers.

"Can we see them?" He nodded.

"Only two at a time though. So me and you and when you're done I'll come back for Jawadd."

"Okay." I stood up, the sleepyness I once had now gone. He stood up and led the way down the corridor. At the end of it was Harry's room.

Zayn knocked and I heard someone call out a quiet come in . He opened the door and there he was , wrapped in a blue blanket and in Louis' arms. "Louis." I gasped. He looked up for a brief second and smiled then back down to his son . He hummed. "He's beautiful." I said even though I could only see the top of his head , a wisp of brown hair with little curls at the ends.

"He is , isnt he? Just like his daddy." He said looking up at Harry and I cooed. They were so in love .

"How is the daddy?" I said turning to look at Harry , his eyes were on Louis and his child. Tears running down his cheeks

"Whats wrong?" I asked quickly rushing to his side.

"Its just... I'm so happy." I chuckled and sat on the bed beside him. We had become best friends during his pregnancy. I stayed with him while Louis was at work.

A nurse came in shaking a bottle with i predicted to be formula. She handed it to Louis who stood up and handed it to Harry, along with the baby. "I gave it to him last time." He said softly , and not in a way that said he was annoyed but in a way that said im hogging the baby . He smiled thankfully and kissed his forehead.

"Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Ezra." They answered in unison. But Harry finished it off by himself. "Tomlinson."

"That's a nice name. It suits him." Harry smiled at his baby.

"You're so beautiful, baby." He kissed him once more causing him to give a toothless smile. A few more tears rolled down Harrys cheeks.

"Ca-can I hold him before you feed him?" He nodded, being careful when he passed him to me. I let a few tears fall as I watched as he opened his eyes then closed them . He was so beautiful . He looked just like Harry to be honest.

"Come on lets go back to the waiting room, I think we should give them some alone time." Zayn said softly tugging at my arm gently. I gave the little one a small kiss om the forehead before handing him back to his daddy. I followed Zayn out the door. When we got back to the waiting room Jawadd was on the floor , the blanket wrapped around him like a caccoon. "Want to get some coffee?" He asked bluntly.

"You wanna go now? What about ...?" I trailed off looking down at Jawadd .

"I'm pretty sure he'll still be asleep by the time we get back , we're not gonna be long."

"I.. well okay." He outstretched his hanf for me to take. I took it , our fingers lacing together. We started our way to the nearest coffee shoppe -which so happened to be the one I used to work at. He oppened the door and I hesitated before walking in. Why was it open at these hours?

"Niall?" Someone said. It was chase. A person I used to work with .


"Where have you been? They told me some psycho kidnapped you and killed you." Zayns gripped tightened.

"Ive been with Zayn..., the psycho.." he pulled off a face that said oops and to be honest I didn't feel bad as to what happened next. Zayn was letting go of my hand and jumping over the counter. I walked to the door and flipped the sign, locking it afterwards .

I watched as Zayb grabbed the little hose we used to wash the dishes and wrapped it around chases neck. He shoved it down his throat -literally- and turned on the tap , watching him choke on it .

I giggled as he stopped struggling. He was dead. "Do you wanna do the honours?" He said taking out the knife he always seemed to have. I took it from his hands and grabbed chases face. His eyes were wide open, but he was no longer breathing.

"How do I do this?" He grabbed my hands and guided me, the knife digging into his skin , letting a small river of blood ooz out.

"Smile." Zayn whispered. Chases cheeks were now slpit and he was indeed smiling.

"Good job." I had knew who had said it , not zayn , but zek .

He was proud of me . I smiled up at him and took his hand . I lead him towards the coffee machine and made him the drink I did when we first met. When I handed it to him though he set it aside and grabbed me and sat me on the counter. He stood inbetween my legs , his hands on my hips and his gaze on me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said pulling him so that our lips locked. That night we ended up making love in the coffee shoppe.


The original ending will be posted tomorrow :) then the modified one will be posted . I hope this wasnt as bad as the last chappie . I had really bad writers block. ;^;

Question : what do you think about Larrys baby :3 ?

Ps. Thats actually baby Harry in the picture . xx

Our Loves An Asylum z.h Book 2Where stories live. Discover now