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I pushed Niall foward , "Go on you know the plan." I spoke softly to reasure him what was going to happen was because Liam messed with family and he was being a complete shit head. And though I hadnt really considered Harry apart of the family before I had accepted him when I saw how broken Louis was when Liam had tooken him.

"Okay he whispered sadly. I knew this was hard tor him , liam was his friend , best friend at that. The fact that he would do this for me made me love him even more. "Kiss me before I do this?" I nodded and leant in to give him a kiss I hoped he'd remember forever. "Love you."

"Love you too." He walked to the door and knocked on it lightly , not getting a response. I quickly stood to the side with Jawadd. "Knock again." I mouthed as he turned to me. He nodded and knocked a bit harder this time.

The door opened and Liam had a smile on his face only for it to be wipped off as he saw Niall. "Niall." Liam said. "I... youre here." He beamed. He reached for his arm and I was ready to pounce at him but Jawadd grabbed me. I looked behind me to see him shaking his head. I yanked my arm from his grip and turned back to look at Niall. "Come in."

"I.. I ca- I cant." He stuttered.

"Why not?" He frowned.

"Give Harry back."

"I can't he's dead." I could feel the colour drain my face and I panicked but yet again Jawadd grabbed me.

"What ... what do you mean he's dead?! That was the deal ! You get me and Louis gets Harry back."

"You came too late." He whispered in his ear , he was too close to Niall for my liking. He turned to the side and he caught sight of us. I waved with a smirk.

"Didn't think he'd come alone did ya?"

"Shit." He got back in and pulled Niall with him. He almot got the door closed , almost. The door slammed open and I grabbed Niall to pull him behind me.

"You think you could just take my family away from me?" I spat.

"Since when do you care about anybody?"

"Its none of your damn bloody fucking business." I retorted. "Where is he?"

"He's dead." He smiled. My fingers wrapped around his neck and pushed him flush against the wall.

"Where is he."

"Six feet under." He kept on.

"Wrong fucking answer."  I banged his head against the wall and he groaned. "Are you going to tell me now?" He spit in my face and thats when I had had enough. I love you. You love me. Lets hang Liam by a tree. With a knife through his neck and a bullet through his head. He chuckled. Need some help big guy? Please.

I dragged him by his hair out the door. It was dark out , all that much better to do what I was about to do. "Zayn this wasn't part of the plan."

"Go get his gun." I said ignoring his statement. I pressed him up against the tree. "I'll give you one last chance. Where is Harry."

"I dunno but I do know one thing. That I love Niall and he's gonna be with me." He licked his lips and I was beyond angry. I punched him , blood immediately rushing out of his nose. He licked and smiled , the blood on his straight teeth that werent going to be so perfect if he kept talking. "He loves me , he's told me before." He taunted.

Our Loves An Asylum z.h Book 2Where stories live. Discover now