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I looked at Niall as he wiped his mouth, it was bloody and I wanted to apologize but didn't know how to. Just say I'm sorry for hitting you. Im not even the one who hurt him. Your body. He shrugged standing next to Niall. Do you think he hates me? He looked at Niall with a questioning look but then back to me and shook his head. I think he loves you and would forgive you for anything. His last words would probably be 'I forgive you.' he said trying to mimic Nialls accent but failing miserably.

"What?" Niall asked pulling me away from my trance. Zek disappeared and I was standing alone in the room with Niall -well of course the guy I had just killed lying on the floor.

"I-" I started but quickly cut myself off as I heard footsteps. I grabbed my knife from the mans eye and held it, ready to stab anybody. Niall tried to see who it was but i pushed him behind me. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"S'not like I'm already hurt." He mumbled spitting out bloody saliva afterwards.

I turned to look at him. "I'm sorry." I whimpered. He raised his eyebrow at the sudden change of voice. "I'll do anything to make it up to you baby. I promise. Just.. jist don't leave me." I pleaded.

"I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side." He sang softly, moving closer with each word he sang out.

The foot steps were nearing and I pushed Niall behind me once again, hoping he wasn't upset that I ruined our small moment. "Who.. who's there?" Someone spoke.

"You're worst nightmare." I growled. A head popped into the door way and I plunged foward doing anything and everything to kill them. The blood going everywhere as I tore open his stomach. I heard gagging and turned around to look at Niall, he walked towards me and pulled me off.

"He's dead." He whispered. He hauled me out of the room and gripped onto my arm, almost as if he were scared to get lost. I'm pretty sure he's scared because you let him run by himself and they grabbed him. Shut the fuck up. I growled at him. "After all of this is over ca-can we cuddle?" He asked all of a sudden looking up at me with innocent blue eyes.

I stayed silent for a few seconds but knew I'd literally do anything for this boy, "Yeah, baby, we can." I said softly, pecking his temple.

After walking what felt like never ending corridors, we finally made it to the exit. There was five dead bodies by the door , piled up. A man was standing above them breathing heavily. "Did you do this?" I spoke up. He turned to look at me. I noticed it was the guy who had spoken out about what it had in store for them.

"Yeah and I found a lighter. Some whiskey under the desk."

"Have you seen anybody?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, when it hit the twenty minute mark a lot of people charged outside from the back door. Everybody who was on patrol outside should be either dead or passed out seeing as none of them have came back in." He said matter of factly.

"So does walking out that door mean freedom?" He nodded with a smirk. He walked to the desk and pulled something out.

"And to make sure it stays that way I'm going to burn the place down, what do ya say, Javadd ." He said.. how did he know my middle name ?

"How do you know my middle name?" I asked grabbing Nialls hand and moving it away. I walked closer to the guy, now that I see him he looks younger than me.

"I was named after you." He winked. Niall was by myside and I could see from the corner of my eye he was glarring at him.

"Why?" I was getting angry. I was the only javadd here, and there was no room for another one. Maybe you should kill him. Maybe I should.

"I'm you're brother . Big brother." He said with a smirk and my breath hitched.

"The only brother I have is Louis." I spat grabbing Niall and pulling him towards the door. I pushed the thing and the door opened but before I could step out he said, "It's not my fault you tried to kill them." I let go of Niall and pushed the little shit to the ground.

"Listen you little fucker, I tried because he told me to and I wanted to. I was four. "

"Mum was gonna get you back but she heard you had been adopted and later on heard you killed them. She knew you hadn't changed." The smirk still visible. "But don't worry big brother. I killed them for you." I clentched my fists and I felt an arm tug me away.

The cool air hit my skin and I cooled down. The kid came running out after us and threw something that caused a spark. The fire spreading quickly, "Zayn what if people are still in there."

"Then they die." I said harshly, not really meaning to since Zek was taking control.

I heard him whimper but he said nothing else. I watched the flames get bigger and bigger and two memories came to mind.


Age : 5

Zayn you there buddy? He whispered in my ear. I nodded. Do me a favour? I nodded again. I had learned to trust the voice since I was two. Be a good little boy and turn on water for the tub. I ran past mum and dad to do what he said , mum being the only one who followed me. "What are you doing baby?" She had spoken softly. Tell her to look into the tub, bub. Okay. "Mummy look!" I pointed at the non existint object. She leant over the ledge. Push her head down till you see bubbles zaynie. Why.. Just do it ! He growled. And I did. Her hands were trying to grab me but I just kept my grip knowing he would be mad at me if I didnt do as he said. Then I was being pulled away ...


Age : 16

He's gone, Zayn. Now all you have is me. What about my parents? I had asked. They dont love you. Remember they gave you away. I meant these. They hate you too, thats why they let louis leave. They didnt want you to be happy, they wanted you to be lonely, just like you were at the orphanage. My breath hitched. What do I do then? You kill them, its the only option. Okay. I walked to the kitchen and saw as my foster parents cooked dinner. For some odd reason they always cooked together. Grab that lighter Zayn. I reached for the lighter and hoped that they didnt see me take it. I snatched it up and ran out to the backyard. Gas Zayn, gas. I went into the shed and looked frantically for it. Hurry up. He said impatiently. Im going. I said finally spotting the gallon of gas and grabbing it. I hauled it out of the shed and into the front yard. I took off the cap and poured it all over the front lawn and some on their cars. I put my hand on the little lighter and ignited it. Throwing it and running to the other side of the street. I sat down by the mailbox admiring the flames I had made. I watched it burn for an hour and a half, the two story house was now a pile of broken and burned wood. And yet again I was being hauled away.


"What are you thinking about?" I heard Niall say.

"Nothing." I lied as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the gates and out onto the streets. I knew my so called brother was following us but I didn't say anything. I was on a new mission -well on the next part of the mission.

"You sure?" He asked. I sighed and turned to look at me.

"I'm sure baby, let's just hurry and find Harry."

"I have an Idea on where he might be." Niall said rubbing his arms for warmth. I wrapped my arms around him and pullee him closer.

"The sooner you show me, the sooner we can cuddle."


Hey guys. Hope you had a good day, mine has been shit but I really hope you had a better day and if you didn't ans want to talk about it. I'm all ears :)

Question : do you think they'll get caught before they get to Harry?

Check out Escape by @xXZiallsChildXx because its bloody amazing xx

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