You Guys Don't Mess Around, Do You?

Start from the beginning

"I think it has to do with isolation. I said before Mages are not known for stable relationships. I think it has something to do with our energies and auras. Two Mages together is like two storms converging together. My parents, though together in their own way, did not even share the same room. They lived together but would barely even speak. They met once a week for their time together and then lived their own lives."

Hammer paused, taking a deep breath to sadness flickering across his eyes. "I believe that because Mages only interact with other Mages, they do not find Mates. We cannot be truly happy or at peace with another Mage which is why two Mages are not Mates. I have never met a Mage who had met their Mate before. All we know about what it feels like and what to do to complete the Mate Bond are from very VERY old books and hearsay."

"You said it felt like pure Magic?"

"Hmmm," Hammer hummed. "Magic is about the manipulation of energy. When our eyes finally met it felt like the very blood in my veins had been replaced by lightening. And then the sparks."

Cecilia laughed, "I think we all get the sparks, no matter the Species."

"I'm curious, how do wolves complete the Mating process? Not that I'm pushing to do that soon or anything. I just. Ugh I can't seem to stop until I know everything."

Cecilia covered her mouth with her hand as Hammer started to ramble, before holding up her hand to stop him. "I understand Sampson. You want to know not just because there is the possibility it is something we will do in the future, but it is just who you are to gather as much information as you can."

Hammer nodded, sitting back in his chair. "It can get me into trouble at times, clearly."

"It is simple enough, when a wolf is ready to complete the bond, they will be intimate with their partner, physically." Cecilia looked at him, raising her eyebrows to see if he understood. Hammers eyes narrowed slightly but he nodded back, understanding.

"During the peak of that intimacy the shifter will bite their Mate at the base of the neck, right here." Cecilia placed her hand in the junction of her neck, where her shoulder and neck joined. "That will seal the bond. The mate will gain the mental link if they don't already have it, also the Mates will be able to sense strong emotions of their mate and feel when they are in pain."

"That is very... intense." Hammer responded.

"I'm told it feels like nothing you can imagine. That completing the bond with your true Mate is one of the greatest pleasures you can experience." Cecilia narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, "I know you said you weren't totally sure about the Mate process for Mages but what do you know. I'm curious as well."

"Well, it is about exchanges of energy. It is a full ritual that involves the joining of the aspects of the Mates, Mind, body, and soul. It starts with a vow sealed by magic, then a joining of the body, we would slice our palms and form a type of blood pack, and finally a joining of the soul, though intimate physical activity, not simple sex but deeper than that, making love. The bond would only be complete if we both... peak at the same time."

Cecilia was stunned. "Wow. You guys don't mess around, do you?"

Hammer chuckled, "No, not really. If I was to hazard a theory, Mages require a deep understanding of themselves and the energies around them to do Magic and not have it be disastrous. We learn to meditate, focus our minds, and understand the connection between mind and body when we are children. The ritual helps to keep a Mage in balance when they complete a Bond."

Cecilia nodded, it still seemed like a lot, but every species is different.

They fell into easy conversations about their interests and lives after that, letting the date just happen naturally.

Sooner than Cecilia would have liked they were back at his bike by the Apothecary.

"Can I drive you home Ms. Lawson? "

Cecilia smiled up at him, "Of course Mr. Steinson. I would be honored to have you escort me home."

She leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear, "Franny and Oscar are gone for the night. The house is empty."

Hammer grinned down at her and got on to his bike.


They stumbled into the entryway of the Victorian house laughing and playfully pulling at each other. Hammer pulled Cecilia tight against his chest, one hand on the small of her back, the other on the back of her neck as his lips found hers in a burning kiss. A low moan escaped her as he used his tongue to open her mouth. Her hands gripped the back of his shirt as his hands began to move, exploring her body, her skin tingled everywhere his fingers touched. Cecilia gasped, pulling away from his mouth, as his fingers lightly traced down the curve of her spine.

Sampson his mouth had moved down her neck. She grasped his hair in her hands and pulled gently, forcing him to meet her eyes.

His eyes were heavy with lust and Cecilia felt like his gaze alone would melt the clothes off her body.

"Take me to bed."

His eyes got even more heated as he leaned down, claiming her mouth with his, his hands gripped the back of her thighs, lifting her legs around his waist. Cecilia wound her arms around his neck and her fingers into his auburn curls as her tongue danced around his as he carried her up the stairs.

Magic and Wolves: Book 1 of West MountainWhere stories live. Discover now