Chapter 13

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Harry woke Hermione up the next day with so much excitement. It was Christmas day.

Hermione groaned but let herself be dragged downstairs where the slytherins were waiting for them to open gifts.

Harry tossed Blaise and Pansy two brown packaged. They opened it and found sweaters with their letter on them. Draco laughed only to be tossed one too along with Astoria. Harry and Hermione opened theirs. "Welcome to the Weasley clan."

Astoria was next. She gave Pansy and Hermione a small box each. It contained a bracelet. "I sent one to Ginny. If any one of us is in danger you just have to touch the small heart and the others heat up."

She then handed Draco a box that contained a big white fluffy sweater. Draco gave her a big hug saying many thank you's.

Once she could move again, Astoria handed a small box to Blaise. He opened it to find the watch he was eyeing their first time they went shopping. Then she gave Harry a new pair of dress shoes knowing he probably never got nice things in the past.

Next Draco handed his gift. He gave Blaise a new cardigan knowing what color looked best on him. He gave Astoria earrings and a photo album he put together. He put so much detail on it. He gave Pansy a really nice dress she talked about to Theo so much. He gave Harry new quidditch gloves. Finally he gave Hermione new peacock feather quills explaining that the future ruler needed nice quills to write with.

Blaise was next. He gave Harry a tie like one he had that changed colors for any outfit. He gave Hermione shoes that changed color as well as heel size. Astoria received a beautiful dress in her favorite shade of blue and a nice sweater to go along with it. Draco got a nice fluffy blanket.

Blaise stood up and took Pansy's hand. He gave her a big hug letting some tears escape his eyes. He took out a box, "I think you should have this. He gave this to me."

Pansy opened the box and gasped. Inside the box there was a ring like the one she always wore but it was obviously meant for a male. It was bigger but it had the same emerald hers had but instead of having "now" carved into it, it had "and forever".

Draco and Astoria let their tears fall. They had been so consumed by helping Pansy they didn't let themselves mourn Theo's or Daphne's deaths properly.

"it's been almost a year." Pansy said trying to hold herself together. "they would've loved all of this."

Blaise hugged her again, "I know."

"Thank you Blaise."

Blaise kissed to top of her head, "there's also a necklace you can put the ring on."

Pansy nodded holding the ring close to her heart. She then went over to Draco and Astoria and hugged them tightly. "I'm so sorry. All you've ever done was take care of me and I never let any of you mourn them."

Astoria shook her head, "it's not your fault. We all need time to heal and even if I lost my sister and best friend you lost your other half and your boyfriend. We all need time to heal but I know you needed more because you blamed yourself for their deaths. It's not your fault. I'm so happy you're allowing yourself to see that and to seek out some happiness after everything."

After a while Pansy went over to hug Hermione and Harry. "I'm sorry I ruined today."

Hermione kissed her cheek, "don't be silly. You didn't ruin anything. If you want we can stop right now and eat something, we can open gifts later."

Pansy shook her head, "no, let's continue please."

They continued opening their gifts then they ate breakfast.

Pansy noticed a letter being dropped at their door. She opened it, they were invited for Christmas lunch at the Burrow.

That will be interesting.

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