Chapter 3

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Hermione and Pansy stayed talking that first night until they were both tired. Pansy had her head on Hermione's lap, she liked doing that with her friends and she thought she wouldn't mind. "You and Harry make a cute couple. You two seem to know each other pretty well, I miss that."

Hermione combed through Pansy's hair with her fingers hoping she wouldn't mind, she always did that to Harry, "we're just friends."

Pansy gave her a sad smile, "that's what Theo would say. I remember Daph used to tease him a lot." pansy sighed, "sorry. I just miss them. Draco says it's good that I talk about them but I don't want to be a burden to you."

"you're not a burden. You can talk about them. I'm a good listener."

Pansy smiled, "Theo was underestimated a lot. Everyone thought he was dumb but he isn't. He wasn't. He was brilliant, he always knew what to say. Daphne and Draco knew I liked him before I realized it. I'm sure Astoria knew too, that's her specialty. He was such a kind person to those he was loyal. He tried to protect me, to keep me safe and sound. I miss him, he made me feel loved." Pansy sighed but continued, "and Daph. She was so stubborn. She put us first and I wish she hadn't. I wish she had been a bit more selfish."

Pansy sat up, "it's getting late, let's go to bed." Hermione agreed and they went to their room. "Hermione, whatever happened between you and the weasles, don't let it come between you and happiness."

Before Hermione could say anything Pansy had already gotten under the covers of her bed.

The next morning there was a knock at the door. Pansy was having her turn to shower so Hermione, who was still in pyjamas, opened the door. Harry stood there, his hair a bit wet and very messy. He raised an eyebrow, "is that my old quidditch jersey?"

Hermione looked down at her shirt and nodded, "It's comfortable. I see you're wearing the shirt I gifted you. Fits you good."

Harry was wearing a short sleeve purple polo shirt and jeans. "yeah. Should I come by a bit later?"

Hermione shook her head, "no, just wait on the couch." Harry nodded and sat on the couch.

"Oi! Granger, it's your turn."

Hermione chuckled, "I'll try to hurry."

Pansy got dressed and went outside, "Potter? Are you here for your girlfriend?"

Harry nodded not noticing what she had said, "yeah. Astoria wanted us to sit with you guys. I hope you don't mind."

Pansy smiled, "that's a brilliant idea. I'll walk with you two if you don't mind."

"not at all."

They continued chatting until Hermione came out. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful. She was wearing a yellow blouse with a black skirt. Harry was glad they didn't have to wear uniforms anymore. Pansy chuckled at them, how could they not notice?

They walked to the Great Hall only to notice that the tables had changed. They were now smaller round tables for people to sit with their friends. Harry sat next to Blaise and Hermione.

Astoria turned to them, "the little weaslette was fairly angry at me."

"can't imagine why," Blaise said sarcastically, "maybe she's angry we stole two of their friends. Two of the golden trio."

"Don't you think that's a bit dramatic?" Pansy asked.

Blaise shrugged, "I don't actually care."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "Blaise, did you sleep well?"

Blaise shook his head, "I'm not used to all the snoring. I'll take a nap during our free period, it's fine."  He turned to Harry, "how did you sleep? Draco talks in his sleep."

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