Chapter 8

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Harry had gotten very good information he just hoped Hermione didn't suspect something was up. He had better communication with both Ron and Ginny. Ginny seemed happier with him now that Blaise had started talking more to her. It was easier to train with them.

It was a chilly October Saturday night, and they were watching movies on a telly that Hermione transfigured from a radio. Pansy and Harry managed to sneak food in. Turns out she was the sneakiest of the bunch and Harry's invisibility cloak helped the cause. She explained it was because Daphne and her always found a way to sneak in and out of places.

"Nervous about next weeks game Potter?" Blaise asked, a mischievous glint shone in his eyes.

Harry laughed, "you wish. The Gryffindors are going to win this."

Hermione nodded in agreement, "we have the best captain."

"and a pretty good chaser." Blaise mumbled. Everyone stared at him, "did I grow a second head or something?" His friends just shook their head.

Pansy leaned over to Harry and whispered something in his ear. Harry just nodded and said, "tomorrow." Pansy threw her arms around his shoulders excitedly and repeated thank you's to him.

Hermione was happy to see both of her friends smiling but she couldn't help but feel something twisting inside of her. She shook her head to herself and pushed the feeling away.

Astoria spoke up, "what if we have a giant sleepover? We can bring the mattresses out here and transfigure the couch."

Being friends with these slytherin was always an adventure, they always came up with good ideas.


Hermione woke up with her head on something firm that rose occasionally. Her arm was around it and she had an arm around her. She was warm in this embrace so she guessed it was Harry under her.

She opened her eyes and confirmed her suspicions. Her friend was still sleeping, it seemed like all of the slytherin were too. She snuggle her face into his chest and sighed happily.

The arm tightened around her. "you're cute." Harry mumbled in his sleep. Hermione blushed, why did it affect her so much what Harry had said? She needed to get her head straight.

What was he going to do with Pansy today anyway? She didn't care, it was just pure curiosity. Still, they seemed pretty close. No, she had to stop.

Hermione stood up and went to take a quick shower. She just needed something to clear her head, maybe studying would help.


Harry and Pansy snuck out to the forbidden forest that afternoon. Harry had a little black pouch in his hand. They stopped when they were far away so no one could find them.

"You have to understand that I can only summon them for you to talk but they can't stay, right?"

Pansy nodded, "I know but before you do, can we just talk?"

Harry sat down and leaned against a tree, Pansy sat beside him. She placed her head on his shoulder, "I think I might like Ron but I don't want for Theo to hate me. I don't want my friends to hate me for moving on. And it feels like I did too fast but I still lo e Theo with all my heart. It's my fault I lost him."

Harry put an arm around her, "can I ask what happened?"

Pansy nodded whipping her face with the sleeve of her shirt. She took a deep breath, "we had to get the dark mark and I told him I was afraid. No one would look at any of us the same and we would lose respect if we got it and you won. Theo told me to sleep. He gave me a potion, he was mighty brilliant in potions and I fell asleep easily. Everything was dark when he woke me up, he had a smile on his face. A bright beautiful smile, for once I wasn't afraid of anything and all because of that smile. He told me how I wouldn't have to get the mark, he sounded so happy because he saved me. H-he held me close and told me how much he loved me. He said that no matter what he would always love me. In the morning I was alone and Daphne came in. She had the mark but she also looked so messy. She was dirty and had bags under her eyes. She told me how she took crusiatus spells to save her sister. I was so afraid of what Theo had endured. I couldn't find him anywhere. Draco asked his father and we found out that only family could save family by receiving crusiatus spells and since Theo and I weren't married.... Since we weren't family he had to die. If I had taken the mark, if I hadn't been so weak, he would still be with me. "

Pansy cried hard but decided to continue, "then in the battle. The slytherins were locked away and when we could escape Daphne, Astoria and I ran for the woods. She made me and Astoria do an unbreakable vow before going uo the castle, we promised each other that no matter what happened we wouldn't stop running until we got somewhere safe and we couldn't go back. When we were out and running she told me to run faster, she said it was a race. I ran as fast as I could. Astoria was first and I came close behind. Daphne had said it was a race because something was chasing us and she decided to sacrifice herself. I knew it was a stupid idea but I couldn't save her. "

Harry held Pansy tightly like how a brother would hug his little sister who was afraid and hurt. He kissed her head and when she calmed down they both stood up. Harry took out the stone.

A silvery figure with long hair appeared. Daphne looked around confused until her eyes settled on Pansy. She ran to her and touched Pansy's cheek. Daphne smiled, "look at you. I'm so glad your safe."

Pansy smiled sadly, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

Daphne shook her head, "I knew you might do something stupid, I had to make sure you and my sister were fine. It was the only way."

Pansy frowned, "I miss you."

Daphne chuckled, "I do too but promise me that you will take your time to get here. Promise you won't do anything stupid."

Pansy let out a weak laugh, "I promise. You better be there to greet me when it's my time though."

"I will. For now, I must leave. I can't stay, this is not my place. Remember the story." Daphne went to kiss her cheek, Pansy felt a cool breeze on her cheek. "Tell Blaisy to not let that girl go. And Potter," the silver figure turned to him, "don't be an idiot."

Harry blushed as the figure dissappeared. A few seconds later another one appeared. Thus one was taller with short hair but also pretty slim. Theo ran to Pansy immediately, "oh I'm so happy you're fine. Have you been eating correctly?"

Pansy nodded smiling, "I love you so much."

Theo giggled, "I love you more. What do you have on your mind? I can tell your thinking about something."

Pansy sighed, "I think I like someone."

Theo smiled brightly, "that's great my love. I wanted to tell you to move on that night but you might have something to not let me go. You must know that I only want your happiness. Don't feel guilty for liking, dating and marrying someone else."

Pansy tried hugging the figure, she could only engulf the cold air that seemed to surround him. "why did you do that?"

Theo chuckled, "I made a promise to myself that I would always protect you. When I got the mark, the pain was worse than I could imagine and I knew you didn't want one. I had to find a way for you to not get one. It didn't matter the cost, I knew you would move on eventually. Stop blaming yourself, please. It was my plan."

Pansy began crying. She felt ait flowing her chin upwards. She looked at Theo in the eyes and nodded. She felt a pair of ice cold lips on her, "Please make a move on that guy and I hope you find happiness."

The cold around her banished. Pansy fell to her knees crying. Harry helped her up. She cried on his shoulder.

When she finished she felt like a weight was lifted off of her. She finally had the closure she needed, and now she had the support of someone who understood what she was going through.

Something Beautiful (Harmione) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora