Chapter 9

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The day of the game arrived. Pansy went off to talk with Ron before the game. Astoria and Hermione sat together on the slytherin side with Luna. She sometimes joined them. Hermione didn't feel so out of place with Luna and her big lion hat there with her. Pansy came back and sat next to Hermione. She had asked her blessing to make a move on Ron since she was one of his closest friends. Hermione obviously gave her the blessing, she was happy Pansy found someone else.

The teams started to come out and they started to play.

"Look at that ladies and gentlemen, a nice throw by our beautiful chaser Ginny! Sorry professor." the announcer said.

"seems like the Slytherins were prepared for that one. It's not hard when they have such a handsome captain, Blaise Zabini. The line to go on a date with him is behind me ladies and gentlemen. Sorry professor. Look at him go!"

"the snitch is released! Seems like Draco is following it and Potter is hot on his trail. That's not the only thing Potter is hot at. Sorry professor."

Harry and Draco reached for the snitch when a bludger was fired at them from the slytherin team. It hit Harry strai in the chest before he could get out of the way. Draco tried catching him but instead he ended up being pulled down with him. Harry was limb long before hitting the ground and Draco fell on top of him. "Well that was an attempt at house unity, let's hope they are ok."

"The headmistress has ordered for the game to end. No winners, no losers."

Blaise, Ron and Ginny were scolding the slytherin beater as Harry and Draco were carried to the hospital wing.

Astoria shook Hermione who was replaying the fall in her head. "let's go check up on the boys."


When they got to the hospital wing Draco was sitting up with his arm in a cast but Harry was unconscious on his bed.

Astoria placed a gentle kiss on her boyfriend's lips, "look at you being a hero and all."

Draco laughed, "yeah but not a very good one."

Hermione sat next to Harry, she had seen him in the hospital wing many times but none compared to this. He had blood on his hair and bandages wrapped around his torso and arm. No doubt he had broken ribs. He was bruised on different parts of his body and had a few cuts here and there.

She touched his cheek softly, "oh Harry."

"I'm sorry Hermione, I couldn't pull him up." Draco said in a soft voice.

Hermione shook her head, "no, you tried. It's not your fault Dray."

Hermione stayed by his side all day long as people visited. She wanted to be there when he woke up. She wanted to be the first to hug him, not too tightly, she didn't want to hurt him further.

Madam Pomfrey had to force her to get some proper food and rest and leave Harry alone to rest. Hermione didn't like that.

Pansy grabbed her hand, "Hermione, you need to tell him how you feel." Hermione gave her a how-did-you-know look. Pansy chuckled, "I've noticed how you take your mind off of it by studying. It's also quite noticeable how you look at him. He likes you too."


Pansy nodded, "he likes you. Harry has been so in love with you and you're too blinded by your studies to notice."

Hermione blushed but stayed quiet. Pansy sighed, "let's just go to sleep so you can be there in the hospital wing bright and early. He'll be fine, don't worry."


The next day Astoria was already there reading with Draco when Hermione got there. "Hey."

The couple looked up from the book and greeted Hermione. "Harry hasn't woken up," Draco informed her.

"how are you doing?"

Draco smiled and look at Astoria briefly, "I'm feeling great." Astoria blushed and kissed his cheek happily. "Yup, ten times better."

Hermione couldn't help noticing how in love they were. They completed each other and made each other better. They both supported each other with everything they were passionate about. Astoria also never acted jealous of Blaise, she knew fully that Draco was in love with her and he knew she was in love with her.

She looked over at Harry and wondered if they could maybe have something like that. Would he like her the way she liked him? He was The Chosen One. He was The Saviour of the Wizarding World. He was Harry Freaking Potter, he could date anyone. Why would he ever chose her over everyone else?

Hermione sat down next to him and took his hand in hers. She ran her hand through his hair, it didn't have blood, it was clean. His cuts and bruises were almost faded.

Draco was released not long after she arrived. He just had to be careful with his arm but other than that he was pretty much back to his healthy self.

Pansy and Ginny had to drag her out so she could eat. She wouldn't go other wise. Ron brought her two books and stayed talking to her. They talked about Pansy a lot. Ron was going on a date with her next week and he was excited. Hermione tried giving him useful information he could maybe use.

Ron left after a while and it was just her and Harry. She reached out to touch his cheek and Harry leaned to her touch. Hermione gasped. "Mione."

"I'm here, I'm here. Let me call Madam Pomfrey." Harry hummed. Hermione stood up and went to call the Healer.

An hour later he was sitting up on his bed, he felt weak but managed to smile at Hermione. "Broke the promise."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "excuse me?"

Harry let out a small airy laugh, "I got hurt, promised not to."

Hermione touched his cheek again, "All that matters is that you're fine."

Harry leaned onto the warm touch, "hurt to talk."

Hermione nodded, "I wonder why? Maybe because you fell from high about after being hit by a bludger and having Draco fall on top of you?" Harry had a small glimmer in his eyes as he tried not to laugh. "Sleep. You need to rest."

She went to stand up but she heard a small no from Harry. Harry licked his lips, "Stay longer." Hermione blushed as she sat back down. "Like you."


"I... Like... You."

Hermione felt her heart raise, "me too."

Harry smiled and sighed happily closing his eyes. Hermione bit her lip, "why me?"

"talk. late. sleep. now."

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