Chapter 12

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Hermione could feel herself finally relax. She did all her homework for the break and helped Harry with his.

They sat in a compartment all together. Harry helped Pansy braid her hair as Draco asked all about how muggles celebrated Christmas. Blaise brainstormed ideas for the perfect gift for his new friends. He knew what to get his slytherin friends, he'd known them all his life.

"do we finally get to decorate a tree?" Astoria asked excitedly.

Hermione nodded, "we'll pick one and we'll get some decorations. It'll be fun."

"can we go to the muggle world? We've never been there for Christmas time."

Hermione smiled at Astoria, "of course. We can go shopping or just walk around. There's a lot of things we can do there."

They continued talking until they reached the train station. Draco helped them get their bags down and they got off the train. They gave time for Pansy and Blaise to say goodbye to their respective redheads.


Harry took the time to show the slytherins around. He allowed them to chose their room, he was fine with whatever room he got. Meanwhile Hermione got to cooking something.

Harry went to help her right after he was done showing them around. He kissed her cheek, "hey."

Hermione smiled at him, "I see Pansy braided small sections of you hair."

Harry blushed, "yeah. Ever since the day we went to the forest we've gotten close. It's like I have a sister."

Hermione gave him a soft kiss, "I'm glad. She seems happier."

"yeah. We could go pick a tree all of us after we eat, I've never gone to do that. I have a feeling they haven't either." Harry smiled softly and continued, "tomorrow we can get decorations."

"sounds good. We can also go exploring around a bit and look for things to do."

They continued planning things to do hoping the slytherins would like to join.

Hermione went to get everyone down, knocking on the door and telling then to come down to eat.

"this tastes very good Hermione." Pansy complimented.

"I'm glad you like it and I hope you lot like the idea of going out to pick out a tree after."

Blaise smiled, "I think that's brilliant."


Hermione couldn't help her smile, Harry and the Slytherins looked very excited and happy. Harry pointed at one particular tree and the slytherind looked at it in amazement.

They had found the perfect tree.

It was the right height for their living room and most importantly everyone egreed on it.

They placed it on the living room and they put the gift they had wrapped under it.


The next day they went shopping for decorations and to a skating rink.

Harry held onto Hermione the entire time there.

Until he fell.

Hermione helped him up and took him to the side. Harry chuckled trying to convince her that he was alright. "Harry you have a bloody nose."

"I know I have a nose Mione."

Hermione glared at him playfully but pulled him into a kiss whispering something he couldn't hear. When they parted Harry noticed that his nose was fine and his lovely girlfriend had a triumphant smile on her face. "You're too good at that."

Hermione shrugged, "it helps when you can't stop yourself from being hurt."

Harry kissed her again then pulled her to start skating again. "We should go to the cinema. Just us two."

Hermione smiled, "then we can go to dinner."

"I'd like that."

They continued skating and talking for a while until they stopped for food. They all decided to get some pizza.

Draco scrunched his nose in disgust, "you're telling my muggles put tomato sauce on bread and tip it with cheese and meat or vegetables and  they like it?!"

Blaise rolled his eyes and fed him a small piece, "eat it or starve."

Draco glared at him but swallowed the small piece of pizza. His eyes lit up. Astoria chuckled kissing his cheek, she knew he would actually like it. Draco blushed, "it's good."


Draco elbowed his friend, "I hate you."

Hermione grinned, "you should try more muggle food."

"He's a very picky eater." Astoria said smiling at her boyfriend. Draco pouted cutely at her but didn't deny it.        


Hermione began preparing for her date with Harry when they arrived. Pansy helped by putting heating charms on her clothes so that she could stay warm all throughout the date. Meanwhile Astoria helped her with her hair as she put on makeup.

She went down stairs where Harry was waiting for her with a smile on his face. "You always manage to bleo me away." Hermione blushed walking towards him. "Ready to go?"

Hermione nodded taking his hand.

"Have fun! We're going to order food." Draco informed.


At dinner Hermione sat across from Harry. They ordered pasta and were waiting for their food to arrive.

"I thought the movie was going to end another way." Hermione said. "It just seemed more predictable that they both just ran away and not died."

Harry chuckled, "I thought the man was going to kill her and run away."

"What leads you to that conclusion?"

The waiter cleared his throat, "your food." he placed the plates and drinks  in front of them and left.

"This looks very good." Harry said before digging in.

They ate and talked and laughed and had a good time together.

Soon they went back home. They guessed everyone had gone to bed since it was quiet and dark. They walked quietly to their room.

Hermione took off her makeup and got into her pyjamas. They laid d'éon together and fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

Something Beautiful (Harmione) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora