Chapter 25: Final Battle pt. 2

Start from the beginning

He was now on fire, literally, and webbed a net to catch some of the drones following him. He never ceases to amaze me. He brushed against the water's surface and doused himself off.

Peter made a web between the to bridges and swung right into it from below. He used the web to sling-shot him towards the ground, as the drones followed and crashed, making a large explosion. From the smoke, Peter flipped and landed on the concrete, unharmed.

I breathed a small sigh of relief. He was amazing. But my moment was cut short, by the drones sending a shockwave towards him, pushing cars up against Peter, and shoving him into the water.

That was it. I couldn't take all of this anymore. Immense pain was shocking through me, but I ignored it. Beck was too focused on Peter. I guess he was really scared of a kid. I came up behind him and broke his helmet. It shattered to the floor, and created some cuts on Beck's head, and my hands. He no longer could view Peter, other than just looking out the window.

"NO!" he yelled in anger, and kicked me hard in the chest. I fell to the floor for a moment, and decided right then and there to give my life to distract Beck from the ones I love.

I got up and rammed my legs underneath his, causing his stance to crumble. I flipped towards him and tried to kick his chest, but he caught my foot and held it up, causing me to fall on my back. He didn't let go, but stood up, holding me by my ankle.

I looked towards the side of us and saw a huge explosion from the drones. They had all exploded, causing a wave of debris to break the glass and to make Beck let go of me. I scrambled away from the smoke, and looked back towards the other side of the bridge.

My heart raced as I saw Peter appear from the hole in the ground, and broke Beck's wrist controls of the drones. Peter stood there and held Beck by the neckline of his suit.

Oh my god. We did it!

"Your lies are over Beck!" Peter told him.

"This certainly isn't ideal, but...I have contingencies. Friday?" Beck asked, as a drone broke in from the window next to me, and shot Peter to the other side of the bridge.

"Just give me the glasses Beck!" Peter yelled.

"The glasses? You want just the glasses?" Beck said, killing the illusion to reveal me on the ground all bloodied.

Peter suit eyes widened.

"Y/N," he breathed. I couldn't tell if he was relieved or worried.

His gaze turned towards several drones that had positioned themselves in front of me with weapons pointed directly towards me.

"You want these?" Beck said, gesturing to the glasses.

"Come and get them," he said, threateningly. Drones came and surrounded us, and projected an illusion to Peter. I couldn't see anything. Peter was gone, but the bridge was still here.

My face fell, as I knew Peter wouldn't be able to make it through the illusions. We had tried before.

"God, finally! Now, it's your turn," he said directing his protection drones to me.

"Friday..." he said raising his voice. I took a final look back at the illusion, letting myself rest from everything I tried to do.

I waited with my eyes closed, but Beck didn't finish his order. I dared to open my eyes to see he wasn't facing me anymore.

And neither were the drones.

I followed his gaze towards the illusion—

Suddenly, there were small explosions in front of us, as Peter broke through the illusion. Beck almost fell backwards from shock and repeatedly tried to fire more drones.

"Why aren't these drones firing?!" he angrily asked Friday, referring to the ones surrounding us.

"You're in the strike zone. The chance of getting hit..." Friday started. I could actually hear her now.

"No, FIRE...ALL...THE DRONES...NOWWWWWW!!" Beck yelled, clearly losing it. The drones turn towards Peter and start firing, but Peter takes them down easily. I crawled away as I see a drone hits Beck in the chest.

I bring myself to stand up whilst gazing backwards at the explosions, when I'm met with someone grabbing my arm and pulling me back. I fight back for a moment, before I look up to see Peter smiling down at me, mask off.

"You're okay!" we both exclaimed, and I embraced Peter with everything I had.

At last, I felt safe again.

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