Chapter 21: I've messed up so bad

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Y/N's POV:

My eyes fluttered open, and my eyelids were so heavy that it hurt to open them.


Where was Peter?

I tried to reach out to the silhouette in front of me, but my hands were bound behind me.

No. No it can't be. I've done this before! I can't...I...this can't!

I started to breath heavily, and my whole body felt like it was frozen. I was having an anxiety attack.

No no no!

"Peter!" I tried to yell. I needed him. His comfort. I always felt safe with him. I needed him now more than ever. The silhouette in front of me turned towards me and walked into my view.


Fucking Mysterio.

He bent down to my level and smiled.

"Peter isn't here, but don't worry. Your father should be coming in a while," he said, taunting me. I refused to look at him.

"Oh, and Peter? He's dead," he bluntly said.

My heart stopped. My eyes bulged. No. Please. He can't be dead. My brain couldn't process this.

I looked down and zoned out. The world became blurry. Everything went quiet. All I could hear was my breathing, which was coming to a stop. I was so out of it, that the feeling of my own tear drop startled me.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Peter was my home. My life. I loved him. He's such a good person. Was? I can't imagine my world without him. I broke down into sobs, ignoring all my morals about being brave in front of the villains.

Mysterio had walked away, and started talking to the Friday glasses I saw him wearing. I hadn't even taken into the fact of where I was.

I looked around in between sobs, to see that I was in some sort of glass tunnel, that was high above ground. The city below me looked familiar.


Oh my god.

Peter's POV:

The pain was too painful to ignore. How was I still alive? Although I was still breathing (barely), I felt my body failing to do anything.

But I remembered Y/N's face as she was dragged away from me. The pure terrified and shock that her eyes showed. The first time I saved her, I vowed that I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again. I had failed.

I failed everyone. Beck and Fury were right. I failed Tony. I failed Y/N. I failed the whole world. I failed my friends, who were all going to die now.

I can't give up. Y/N. I'm coming. I will save you, because. I can't imagine and world without you.

I used all the strength I had to pull myself up the train, and pushed myself through one of the doors on the connecting part of the train. Once I was safely inside, there was no one else on this specific cart.

I stumbled around, trying to gain some strength, but I couldn't. I collapsed into a seat and the pain overtook me. Everything slowly faded to black, as the pain slowly turned numb.

I awoke in a cell, and these nice, foreign guys gave me a shirt, and I broke out of the cell.

I made a call to Happy, who promptly arrived at Broek op Langedijk, in the Netherlands where I was being held.

I limped over to the jet that was landing in a beautiful field of flowers. At this point however, I had no idea what to believe. Mysterio took Y/N, and tried to kill me. Anything could be an illusion.

Happy hopped off the jet and started to walk over to me.

"Peter? Are you okay?" he asked, concerned by my rigid appearance.

"Happy? Is that you?" I asked, worried this was still Mysterios plan to have me killed.

"Is it me? Yeah, of course it's me," Happy said, confused.

"Stop!" I yelled to him, and he did. I had to make sure this time.

"Tell me something only you would know," I thought of quickly. Beck had found out things about me and Y/N that we would have never guessed, yet there had to be something that Happy knew that Beck didn't.

"Only I would know...remember when we went to Germany? You pay-per-viewed a video in your room? It didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk..." I blushed in embarrassment.

Yep, it was Happy.

"Fine! It's you, it's you, stop!" I stopped him. He stopped again and I limped over to him and hugged him, something I wouldn't normally do.

I just really needed some comfort right now. Shit was real. I failed everyone. Y/N's life is at risk. Ned and Mj's lives are at risk. I should be dead, but I'm not. And that means something to me.

"It's so good to see you," I told him.

"Peter, you're going to have to tell me what the hell is going on here," he said.

We got on the jet together, and I told him everything. He went to work, stitching up my wounds.

"Ok, hold still," he told me, as he inserted a needle into my skin. "There we go."

It really hurt, and that fact that I was already on edge because of Beck, and the whole situation was making it hurt more. I flinched and made an annoyed sound.

"I thought you had super strength?" Happy said, responding to my pain.

"It still hurts," I muttered through my teeth. He inserted another needle, which hurt even more.

"Happy, come on," I said, putting my head in my hands.

"Alright relax. Just a few more. There we go," he said, inserting yet another needle. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh my god! Happy!" I stood up and exclaimed towards him.

"Relax!" Happy told me. Relax? Are you serious?

"Don't tell me to relax Happy! How can I relax when I messed up so bad?! I trusted Beck, right? I thought he was my friend, so I gave him the glasses Mr. Stark left for me, and now he's going to kill Y/N, and half of Europe. So please, do not tell me to relax," I spilled. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I wasn't mad at Happy. I just, I couldn't believe how dumb I was. Now, Y/N was going to pay for my mistakes. It's not fair.

"I'm sorry Happy. I'm sorry. I shouldn't shout," I apologized. I looked up towards him, and felt my eyes welling up with tears.

"I just, I can't lose her," I said. He nodded.

"We won't lose her," Happy said.

"How have I failed so much? I really thought that I could be a hero, but because of me, so many people are going to suffer," I cried.

"You know who was also a mess, kid? Tony. He's my best friend, and he's a mess too. He has second-guessed everything. He's all over the place. The only thing he didn't second guess, was picking you," Happy told me. That was exactly what I needed to hear. It was hard to believe, too. Mr. Stark, really must have seen something in me. I can't let him down. I can't let Beck kill Y/N. I need to save her.

Lovers in Europe: Stark's Daughter and Parker Sequel On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara