Chapter 10: Only a Few Hours Left

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Y/N's POV:

After a couple hours, we pulled up to the hotel as the sun was going down. This time, Peter was the one asleep. I nudged him awake gently, and he opened his eyes.

"Are we there yet?" he asked, snuggling his face into my neck.

"Yes, we are here. And...holy shit it's nice," I said, looking past Peter and out the window. His head perked up in surprise and he looked out the window too.

"Wow! What? How?" he said. I giggled.

"I don't know, but let's not question it, and just enjoy it," I said, as we both exited the bus.

"Wow, this place is so classy," Betty said, as her and Ned walked in together, the three of us trailing close behind.

"Yeah, so why are we here?" Michelle asked, and we all chuckled.

"Speak for yourself. I'm home," Flash said, appearing on my side. I rolled my eyes and Peter put a protective arm around my shoulder.

"Uh, everyone get settled in, rest up because tonight, big surprise, is Prague's annual Carnival of Lights!" Mr. Harrington said. Peter phone started to ring, and he left to go answer it. I watched him walk away as he answered it, but after a couple seconds he waved me over too.

"It's Maria Hill," he whispered. I nodded and was able to barely hear what she was saying.

"There's an earpiece in both of your suits. Put them on and await further instructions. Understood?" Peter looked at me and I nodded again.

"Uh, yes ma'am."

Peter hung up, just as Ned cane shuffling over to us.

Oh, I didn't mention. Peter told Ned about our mission, but not the fact that I'm also on it. Well, simply because I'm a Stark, and Ned can't know that.

"Hey Y/N, can I talk to Peter for a second?" he asked.

"Yeah of course. I'll be over there," I said, walking back towards the group.

Peter's POV:

'Just don't tell Ned anything about Y/N coming with you on the mission. You can do that,' I thought to myself as Y/N left.

"Hey man. Look, I am so sorry if I seem preoccupied with my relationship. You know, I'm still your guy in the chair," he said to me.

"No, no, it's all good. Don't worry about it," I told him, meaning it because I didn't want him to pry Y/N's secret out of me by accident.

"Okay, great. So what's the status on the whole Elemental thing? Where's it going to happen?" Ned asked quietly. I mentally smacked my forehead.

"Uh, here in the city," I said, casually.

"Peter, we're here!" Ned exclaimed quietly.

"I know, I know. It's not good. It's- I'm figuring it out," I said.

"You have to do something Peter, please. We are all counting on you. Y/N is counting on you," he said, and I sighed.

"Ned," Betty called from the group.

"Yeah babe," Ned called back as he went towards the group.

Y/N's POV:

After we went to our own rooms, Peter and I reconvened and Dimitri took us to another short Shield briefing.

I spaced out, starting to think about the Elementals, my dad, Peter. Everything was weighing me down. This was supposed to be a vacation, and now I'm suddenly like an Avenger. It's something I had always wanted to be, but pushed it away for my (somewhat) normal life.

"Stark? Ms. Stark!" Fury exclaimed, and I snapped out of it.

"Yes sir?" I asked, a little embarrassed.

"That thing's gonna be here in a few hours. Are we boring you?" he asked me.

"She's not bored, she is thinking about how you kidnapped them," Mr. Beck spoke up, and I mean...he wasn't wrong.

"They had obstacles, I removed them," Fury said.

"They still won't evacuate the city," Maria Hill said, as she walked in.

" whats the plan?" Fury asked us.

"I will be in the cathedral tower keeping watch for the fire monster..." Peter began.

"...and I will be on the ground keeping watch," I continued.

"When that shows up, either of us will radio you guys and then Mr. Beck and I..."

"My name is Mysterio," Beck said, giving us a playful look.

"That's when Mysterio and I will move in..." Peter continued.

"...while I keep people away from it, and direct it away from metal and people," I finished.

"Y/N, your job is very important. Peter and I will try to keep it away, but you are a last resort, and ya need to not die in the process. If it gets too big, it will be able to draw power from the Earth's core. After that, there is no way to stop it," he said, looking down.

"I know. I'll do whatever it takes," I said.

"Parker, you too. You and I are going to get up close with that thing, so be careful. If all goes well, this will be the last of them," Mysterio said. We both nodded, and Peter turned to Fury.

"Hey, our friends are here, and I can't help but think we are putting all of them in danger too," he said. I agreed, but said nothing. Talking to Fury was like talking to my father; you have to know when to stay quiet.

"You're worried about us, hurting your friends? What about everyone else in the city, mind you that there is a whole damn Carnival going on. We are trying to save the world here, and we do not have time to make sure your little friends are safe from this," Fury yelled, and I flinched out of habit. I didn't like yelling.

Peter walked out of there, and was out of sight.

"Uh I'm gonna, g-go with him," I stuttered, following him outside. Mysterio gave me a look of sympathy, and I turned around to the doors.

Lovers in Europe: Stark's Daughter and Parker Sequel Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant