Chapter 3: Unknown

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Peter and I had watched 2 whole Star Wars movies on the trip there, before we both fell asleep. I had a good feeling about this trip. It's gonna be good for me to just...let go. In Europe, I'm not a Stark. I'm just Y/N Rodgers, on vacation with my amazing boyfriend and best friends. I could feel myself smiling as I was asleep.

As the plane was nearing the ground, I woke up the plane making contact with the ground, shaking everything and everyone around. I hadn't felt that before. I got launched forward, though thankfully for my seatbelt it was short lived, but then came the flashbacks.

Being thrown around when I was held captive, and yet being restrained by the ropes that tied my ankles and wrists. My head started to beat wildly inside my chest, and my eyes started to well up, when I felt someone's arms wrap around me, but I flinched when he touched me.

"Y/N, oh my god, are you okay?" he asked, pulling his hands away in case I didn't want him to touch me. I came back to reality and tried to calm myself down. I leaned into Peter's chest and let one tear roll down my face.

"I all came back," I tried to explain, as Peter wrapped his warm, strong arms around me once again.

"It's alright. I'm here, you're safe. I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I told him, meaning every word.

We got off the plane as a whole class and waiting at baggage claim together. As Peter went to get our bags, I took this as an opportunity to talk to Ned.

"Hey Ned! How was the flight?" I asked him.

"Oh it was amazing. I played Beast Slayers, oh and I-"

"Hey babe? Can you hold this for me please?" Betty came up and asked. My expression changed to complete confusion.

"Yeah of course," Ned said, as Betty kissed him on the cheek before walking away.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Uh well, we actually got to talking on the plane and it turns out we have a lot in common. So we are boyfriend and girlfriend now," Ned explained, smiling.

"Whatever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe?" I asked him.

"Y/N, those were the words of a boy. And that boy met a woman, a very strong and powerful woman. And now, that boy is a man," Ned told me. I face palmed.

"Oh Ned..." I said.

"So, what did you and Peter talk about before we boarded the plane?" I asked, which was what I was really here for.

"Uh. Nothing. Peter and I were just," Ned said, very hesitantly.

"What? You really expect me to believe that?" I asked, knowing Peter was too innocent for that kind of stuff. Same with Ned, actually.

"Here's your bag Y/N," Peter said, walking up behind us.

"I guess have super strength comes in handy when it comes to my giant ass bag," I joked. We all laughed.

"You guys might wanna keep that talk on the DL," MJ said, walking up to us. I nodded.

Mr. Harrington informed the class that we were going to get to our hotel by boat, which was odd, but I was excited. I had never been on a boat before!

I sat on the edge and looked out to the city. The sun was making the beautiful water sparkle, and the buildings in the distance were golden and stunning.

We made it to the hotel, which was...not ideal. Not that it mattered, since we would be touring the city most of the time. MJ and I shared a room next to Peter and Ned. We were told to unpack, and meet at a museum or something around 3. I wasn't paying much attention though. I unpacked a bit and changed into a yellow tank crop top and some high waisted jean shorts. I pulled my hair into a side ponytail and heard a knock at the door. I went to open it.

"Hey Y/ You look...beautiful," Peter said, eyeing my up and down.

"Thank you, but let's go! I can't wait any longer!" I said, pulling him outside.

"MJ you too! You aren't just going to stay and read books all day," I yelled back. I heard a groan and seconds later Michelle appeared in the doorway.

"Where is Ned?" Peter asked, looking around.

"He's probably just off with Betty somewhere," I mentioned. They nodded.

The three of us walked around the beautiful city together, taking pictures and having such an amazing time! Eventually Michelle had wandered off somewhere, and I spotted Ned.

"Hey Ned! Where have you been?" I asked. Ned was about to respond, but Peter's phone went off again.

Peter's POV:

"Hey Ned! Where have you been?" Y/N asked. Just then, I felt my phone going off. I checked it. Unknown. Damn, Fury really needed to get in contact with me. But, no, I'm not going to drop this vacation just for some SHEILD mission. I'm here with my best friends and amazing girlfriend...oh shit. The necklace! I almost forgot! I declined the call and gave Ned and little nod. He winked back at me.

"Yeah uh, I've just been...looking at this really nice bridge!" Ned made up, pulling Y/N towards the opposite end of the city.

"I'll catch up with you guys in a sec!" I yelled, as Y/N looked over her shoulder at me. Once they were out of sight, I turned and walked to the little glass shop I had researched before coming here.

I found a necklace of a (your favorite flower). It was perfect! I held it up in front of me and smiled.

"I hope Y/N likes it," I mumbled to myself, as I paid for it. I got it in a little bag and put it in my backpack for later.

I went back outside and found Y/N and Ned standing on a bridge, looking out towards the water.

"Peter!" Y/N greeted, kissing my cheek.

"Hi. What are you guys looking at?" I asked.

"Look dude! Those little crabs are all running towards land. That's cool," Ned said, not taking his eyes off of them.

I looked out to the water for a moment to see a slight wave coming towards us. That's weird, there were no other waves. That was until the wave disappeared. I looked behind us to see if it had kept going, when all of a sudden, the water formed into a giant blob!

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