Chapter 16: It was all...fake?

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Y/N's POV:

Honestly, after everything that has happened in the past, like, hour, I needed to be impulsive. I came to have a good time, and that's what I was going to do.

I freshened up a bit before grabbing my backpack, forgetting that I put the projector back in before Peter came into my room, and left for the lobby.

As I got off the elevator, I saw Peter leaning against a pillar and smiling to himself. I walked towards him with my head held high, as I was forcing myself to have a good time tonight.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I replied back. I loved our awkwardness.

"So, where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Who cares?" I said, and he raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and took his arm as we ran through the lobby together outside, laughing the whole way.

"It's so beautiful. Everything, I mean," I said, looking around at how all the lights contrasted the night sky, and the way the light reflected off the water, as if it were a perfectly clean mirror. Life outside New York was beautiful.

"You're beautiful," he said, and I looked at him and smiled.

"I'm glad we are doing this," Peter said.

"Yeah, me too," I said, as we walked side by side to a bridge.

"I can't believe the trip is over. All the elementals are gone, it's perfectly safe now," I said, leaning over the bridge.

"Yeah, but it sucks that we can't let people know, you know, that they are okay now. It's one of the downsides to being a superhero," he said, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Am I a superhero now?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I guess that's for you to decide," he said. I groaned.

"But it's not. My dad knows, and will never let me put myself in danger again. I got lucky that I was able to fight the elemental, but that will probably be my first, and last appearance as Dark Shield," I said, and Peter gave me a confused look.

"Oh right, sorry. I came up with a superhero name. Not permanent, but it's a start I guess," I said. I came up with it because of the color of my suit, and the fact that I was sort of shielding people from danger. I turned to Peter and he smiled at me.

"I think that's a great name," he said, and I looked to his lips. He grabbed my waist, leaning in and...

All of a sudden my backpack slip off my shoulder and the tech had tumbled out to the middle of the bridge. Peter and I jumped at the sound of it falling to the ground and looked at it.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw the elemental. It's face was close to mine, and it roared at me. I screamed and ducked my head, and I felt Peter put himself in front of me, his hand protecting me.

Where did it come from?!

Then, it went away.

How?! I we both looked down to the tech, and realized.

It's a projector.

"The hell was that?!" Peter exclaimed, as we both looked around, unsure of what we just witnessed. Peter slowly got closer to the projector and picked it up.

"What is it? A projector or something?" I asked curiously as he examined it.

"Yeah, but it's really advanced," he said.

"But it looked, so real..."

"Yeah, really real," Peter said in a hushed voice.

"Wait a minute. Does that mean that..." I started.

"The elementals are fake?" Peter finished.

"That doesn't make any sense because we were there, right? I mean there was fire and destruction. That wasn't fake. And...who would do something like that?" I asked, but immediately had an idea.

Just then, the projector turned on again, and we watched, as it displayed...Mysterio.

So, Mysterio is fake too?

Shit. I guess I was right.

"Mysterio," I whisper-gasped. Oh my god. We trusted him! He seemed so...but he's...what? Why?! Oh my god Nick Fury couldn't know, right? He could be in danger. We could be in danger!!

"We have to get out of here!" Peter said, as he grabbed hold of my wrist and started to sprint back towards the hotel.

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