Chapter 24: Final Battle pt. 1

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Y/N's POV:

I watched as drones entered through the atmosphere, but quickly disappeared and blended with their surroundings.

Something was coming.

Then I remembered something. MY NECKLACE!

I put on a necklace when Peter and I went out on the streets of Prague, but I forgot it was there! It had fallen underneath my suit. The necklace is weaponized, thank god, yet no tracker. It's not much, just a little invention I made. But it will work.

When Beck was turned, facing the window, I used my teeth to fish out the chain of the necklace and put the 'pendant' towards my back, facing the chains. I lightly pressed the button for 'laser' with my chin, and I started to smell smoke.

Following the smell, I felt my hands fall limp to the floor. I was free. Thank god. I couldn't show that I was free to Beck however, so I quietly bunched up the chains connected to the pole, and my broken-free chains, so they looked like they were still connected. Beck must have heard, because he turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Oh come ON! Give it a rest, will ya? You are gonna break free. I can't focus with all your struggling," he expressed to me, while taking steps closer.

I pretended to be completely hopeless as he turned away in satisfaction, but I wasn't.

Not anymore.

"Cue lightning," Beck said, turning away from me.

It was starting.

Suddenly, dark clouds appeared from the sky, and lightning quickly followed, creating a terrifying storm. There was distraction and chaos everywhere. It wasn't natural, that's for sure.

I needed a plan. Now that I was free, I needed to find some way to get to Beck, before he would have any drones take care of me.

Why was he prolonging my death? He said he needed me as bait to my father, but I don't see him.

Then, there. Right in the middle of it all, was an elemental. Almost 100x as large as before. It wasn't any particular element; it looked like a mix of them all.

"Now that is an Avengers level threat," Beck said is satisfaction, admiring his sinister work. Beck turned to the window behind him and smiled. I followed his gaze to see green smoke approaching the monster.

Oh look. Wow. There's Mysterio. Here to save the day that he himself fucked.

'Mysterio' started to attack the monster, and even though everything I was looking at was created by drones, it still felt very real.

"This is for my family!!!" Beck yelled, and I heard it echo from the drones creating the scene.

"You should get somewhere safe Fury! I don't see this ending well," Beck voiced in a tired and scared voice.

Wow. Give this man an Oscar.

Peter's POV:

As we neared our destination, I saw a giant storm, and the elemental I would be taking down. My heart started to race, as it looked too real to be fake. Yet it was.

It's just drones, Peter. Just drones.

"Can you hear me kid?" Happy asked through my suits microphone. I stuck to the side of the jet, where I could see Happy in the pilot seat.

"Yeah I can! It's just a little loud out here!" I yelled back, since there was so much air flying past me.

"I like the new suit," he told me. That made my nerves settle a bit.

"Thanks," I said, fully determined.

"Woah. Peter? You sure that's not real?" Happy asked me. Damn it. Nerves were back.

"Yeah it's just 100 times bigger than I expected," I told him.

"We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see me coming."

"Copy. Stay sticky," Happy remarked, as we started to fly upwards, above the storm clouds.

The air pressure got the better of me, and I slipped off the jet so fast, as I started to tumble. I free-fell to the ground for a bit, until I deployed a parachute. I was heading head first for the storm.

Y/N's POV:

"Guterman! I need a response!" Beck demanded. Nick must have asked him something he couldn't answer. Beck started to repeat whatever he was hearing on the other line.

"It's all the elementals! They have somehow merged into something else. Something more powerful. It's drawing energy from the Earths core," Beck breathed.

'See now that's some bullshit' I thought to myself.

If I ever make it through this, I'm going to make fun of Fury for believing this.

"Alright, Friday? I need drones on standby for the Kill Order. Make the drones look like the bridge is falling, so we can get Tony over here. I've left him on destruction duty, so he is just picking up pieces right now," Beck told her.

"Tony! There's a whole bridge about to break down! I need you on the West side of the elemental! I draw him away, but people are gonna get hurt!" Beck exasperated into his mic. With that, he pushed a few buttons on his suit and I saw my dad fly over.

I felt my expression fall, as I could see he was falling right into Beck's trap. Drones had flown around us and showed an image of the bridge collapsing.

Beck ran over to me and took out what was gagging me. I yelled out towards my father.

"DAD!! GET AWAY FROM HERE! ITS A TRICK!" I tried yelling. He abruptly turned towards me, but I knew it was too late. We made eye contact for a moment, before a single drone appeared and shot at my dad repeatedly.

"NO!!!!" I yelled out in pain, as I watched my father fall in his suit, the drone chasing after him.

I didn't let myself cry. Dad was going to make it. He had to. I turned to Beck, who was laughing.

"Wow. You are quite the little performer. Helping me end your dad. How sweet," he said, walking away from me. I watched as he was about to push a button.

The kill order. For me. This was my last chance. I tightened my grip on the chains that were still bound to me, and launched myself towards Beck, and hitting him with both chains. He fell to the floor and got back up quickly.

"The hell!!!" he yelled, and the drones turned towards me. They started firing, and I jumped and flipped out of the way, catching some of the bullets with the chains. I managed to knock one of them down, then the other. I stuck the landing and stared towards Beck.

"What are you gonna do now? You're just a guy," I told him, mockingly. His expression turned to a subtle smirk, as I watched 5 drones appear and circle around him.

Shit. I had to ask.

One fired towards my feet, causing me to fall onto my back. I sat up and glared towards Beck. There was no way out.

I closed my eyes, as the drones neared. I had been so close to death so often recently, but never actually let myself fall into it.

Peter's face entered my mind, next to my dads. If they were both gone, I didn't mind going with them.

As I waited for the pain to arrive, I heard a consistent beeping coming from Beck's headset. He heard it too, and his facial expression changed to worry as he turned back towards the elemental.

"William. I've got drones breaking formation," Beck said rapidly.

What? How?

I crawled away slowly, as the drones went back to focusing on Beck, following him like blind slaves.

"Well, I wanna see what's going on there. I'm taking manual control," he said, as he pressed some buttons and I could see an image projected from the inside of his transparent helmet.


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