Chapter Thirty

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Toph and Sokka exit the taxi and stare at the big mansion at the top of the hill. Well... Sokka stared at it. The couple make their way up the hill and eventually come upon the front gates. Sokka grabs a knocker and taps it against the large door a few times. They wait for a moment, but there is no answer. Sokka knocks the door and waits again. Still receiving no answer, Sokka looks at Toph. She feels his eyes on her and shakes her head letting him know she didn't feel any vibrations. He becomes frustrated and grabs both knockers, banging them loudly and frantically.

The right door is opened by the butler, Fat, frightening Sokka, "Can I help you?" He asked annoyed

Sokka quickly composes himself and assumes a more mannered persona, "We're here to see Master Piandao. We're friends of the Avatar."

Fat gestures for the two to enter. The duo steps through the gate and Fat closes the door. Fat leads them across the courtyard as and toward the main structure of the mansion.

They enter a large room with a red carpet and tall windows, giving a view of the valley. Rows of lit candles are places on both sides of the windows. Piandao sits at a small table in front of the windows, his back to the door. He has dark skin and wears a black cheongsam. Piandao held a calligraphy brush and dipped it into a tray of ink, carefully holding his sleeve with the other hand.

Sokka as steps forward, "Master, you may not remember me... my name is Sokka, and this is Toph Beifong. We're friends of the Avatar and have urgent news for you."

"Yes... I remember you." Piandao replied, his back still towards them, "Your loyalty to the Avatar impressed the White Lotus. What is your news?"

"Gyatso was ambushed at the Southern Air Temple." Toph replied, "The Red Lotus knew he was there... and they killed him."

Piandao stopped writing, "And the Avatar?"

"He went to the Eastern Air Temple to master his Avatar state with a guru." Sokka replied

"Who else knows about this?"

"Zuko and Mai are on their way to Four Nations Academy to tell Principal Iroh and Master Pakku."

Piandao grabbed a new sheet of paper and began writing on it. Once he was done, he rolled it up into a scroll. He held it up and Fat walked over to take the scroll, "Send this to King Bumi." Fat bowed and exited the room.

"Thank you for informing me, you may leave." Piandao said

Sokka turned to leave but stopped, "Master... you instruct sword fighting right?"

"I'm guessing you wish to learn the way of the sword." Piandao replied

"If you wouldn't mind..."

"Let me guess." Piandao started, "You're the best swordsman in your town, and you think you deserve to learn from the master."

"Well, actually..." Sokka gets down on his knees and hangs his head, "I have a lot to learn."

Piandao glances back, "You're not doing a very good job of selling yourself."

"I know I don't have anything to prove my worth. But the truth is... I don't know if I am worthy."

Toph looks from Sokka to Piandao and thought how much this would mean to her non-bending boyfriend, "Trust me Master Piandao, you'll have no better student. Sokka is the best non-bender I know, he deserves a chance to be your student. He just doesn't give himself enough credit. He is worthy." Sokka looks up at his girlfriend amazed.

"Hm, I see." Piandao smiles and turns his head. He picks up his sword, "Well, then, let's find out together how worthy you are." Sokka looks up as Piandao's shadow passes over him.

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