Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Anybody seen Katara and Aang?" Sokka asked as the Gaang filed back into the theater.

"Maybe Aang doesn't want to watch the play anymore." Zuko replied, "I know I would feel offended if a play about the Fire Nation was like this. Katara's probably with him."

"Yeah, they're probably outside." Mai added

"That's probably true." Sokka said and wrapped an arm around Toph, "But I still didn't get my fire flakes or fire gummies."

"How about we go out to eat afterwards." Toph suggested, "Then we can fill that belly of yours." She patted his stomach.

"I love you so much." Sokka said before kissing her.

Zuko groaned, "You guys aren't going to start making out, are you?"

"Oh like you and Mai weren't making out during the last act." Toph said when her and Sokka pulled away, "I can feel vibrations you know." Zuko blushed as Mai smirked lightly.

"We'll probably do it this act too." Mai said

After the play was over, the Gaang walked outside, "Do you see them?" Toph asked. Sokka, Zuko and Mai scanned the outside scenery.

"No, they must be at our meet up place." Sokka said. And so off they walked to the place they all agreed to meet up in case they got seperated. Their meet up place was in a circle of big rocks near the theater, they figured it was perfect since they would be hidden.

The Gaang walked up to the circle and slipped through two rocks that was wide enough for them to enter. Once they were in, they saw Aang and Katara lip-locked.

The couple was sitting on a bench made of earth that Aang probably bended for them. Aang had his fingers tangled in her hair while Katara's arms were wrapped around his neck. They were pretty close together during their little make out session.

Zuko cleared his throat. The couple pulled away and looked at their friends blushing. Mai and Toph had smirks plastered on their faces while Zuko was trying not to laugh. Sokka just felt awakward that he walked in on his best friend and sister once again.

"If you guys want to continue we can leave." Mai teased

"Uh no... it's fine." Aang replied as he and Katara stood up.

"Okay then, we were thinking of going out to dinner." Toph said

"Dinner? I don't know..." Katara said, "A theater is dark but a restaurant is more lit up, Aang would have a harder time at hiding."

"I know of a late night diner." Zuko replied, "My mom and I used to go there. People barely eat there at this time. It's mainly for the people who are traveling."

"I guess that could work..." Katara turned to Aang, "What do you think?"

"I think going out to eat would be great." Aang replied with a smile.

Katara nodded, "You're the boss."

At the diner, Aang, Katara and Mai sat on one of the booth while Sokka, Toph and Zuko sat in the other. Zuko and Mai sacrificed sitting next to each other since they've been dating the longest.

"You won't mind if I get anything with mest in it, will you Aang?" Sokka asked as he looked in the menu.

"Sokka, you've asked me this everytime we go out to eat." Aang replied, "I don't care if you eat meat. My vegetarian lifestyle is just how I was raised. It doesn't gross me out that people eat meat."

Sokka nodded and smiled as Zuko said, "Vegetarians need to be more like you."

"A lot of people need to be more like Aang." Mai added

Aang blushed at the compliments, "Guys stop. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes too."

"Yeah we know, we're just saying you're a lot better than most people in the world." Toph said then smirked, "Though I'm sure Katara would say you were perfect in EVERY way."

Katara blushed bright red and glared at Toph, "You just couldn't help yourself could you?"

"I saw an opportunity and I took it." Toph replied and crossed her arms, "I just love the fact I can make your faces go red, and I don't even have to see them to know."

"Well, Aang and were roommates for months so we've walked in on each other while getting dressed before." Sokka said and smirked, "I can also say that he really is perfect in every way." He gave his friend a playful wink. Aang's face turned red and he took a sip of his water as Mai and Zuko watched the conversation with amused faces.

"I'm so glad we're no longer victims." Zuko said

"Me too, I can watch this all day." Mai replied

"Can we stop stop talking about my boyfriend's..." Katara paused as she contemplated the word to use, "...size. That's private information."

"For Aang or for you?" Toph asked with a smirk. Katara blushed again as Sokka snickered, "What exactly were you guys doing during the last part of the play?" Toph asked again.

The couple went bright red and looked at each other, "Uh... we were..." Aang started, "We... we were um... having sex... in the bathroom."

"You guys make this too easy." Toph replied

"I never thought you two would be a couple who had sex a lot." Mai said

Aang looked down, "Well, it's actually a sacred part of my culture... it's saved for the person you love..." He said as he twiddled his thumbs.

"It really is. He told me about it... before we went to have sex in the bathroom..." Katara said and cleared her throat, "In Airbending culture they believe Spirits send them their soulmates, and when a man enters a woman for the first time, their souls become intertwinned."

"Wow... really?" Sokka asked looking at Aang, "How do you know Katara's your soulmate?"

"I just know." Aang replied, "And we bumped into each other when I first arrived at Four Nations Academy, and then my roommate and best friend turned out to be her brother so..."

"If that's not a sign from the universe, I don't know what is." Zuko said

The waitress came by with their plates. The Gaang ate their food while talking and laughing, like how they usually eat their meals. After paying the bill, the friends exited the diner to head home.

The Secret AvatarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora