Chapter Eighteen

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The next day, Gyatso drove the group back to Four Nations Academy so they could get their stuff from their dorms. After their stuff was gathered, they headed to an airport. Piandao was providing his private plane to move the friends to a safe location.

"I'm afraid I can't go with you this time." Gyatso said to Aang as their things got loaded onto the plane.

"How come?" Aang asked

"With the Red Lotus rising again I'm needed here. But I know you and your friends can take care of yourselves."

Aang nodded and hugged his guardian, "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too son." Gyatso replied as he returned the hug. They pulled away, "Be sure to be easy on that girl of yours." He said making Aang's face go red. Gyatso laughed as he said one last goodbye to him.

"So where are we going?" Aang asked when he sat down in his chair as the plane took off.

"My uncle said we can use our family's beach house on Ember Island." Zuko replied, "My family doesn't use it anymore so it would be perfect."

Katara came out of the bathroom and Toph smirked, "Surprised you're still able to walk Sugar Queen."

Katara rolled her eyes as she sat down next to Aang, "Still can't believe you watched us."

"Curiosity got the best of us." Mai said, "You weren't exactly being quiet."

"If you guys decide to have sex in the bathroom, do your best to keep it down." Zuko said making Toph snicker

"Guys leave them alone. It's not like you guys haven't had sex before." Sokka said. He glanced at Toph when he said this.

"We're just messing with them." Zuko replied, "We did the same for  you and Suki that one time."

"Just don't watch us anymore." Katara said

"Don't worry Sugar Queen, that was a one time thing." Toph replied

"So, what should we do until we get to Ember Island?" Aang asked changing the subject.

When the plane landed, the group gathered their things and Zuko led them into the house. They each got settled into a room. As Aang was unpacking, a knock came at his door and Sokka walked in.

"Hey man, Zuko found his family's wine cellar. We're thinking of sitting outside around a fire and drinking. Want to join?" He asked

"Oh... I don't know Sokka, I've never drank before." Aang replied as he put his clothes in the dresser.

"Well there's a first time for everything right?" Sokka replied, "Come on, it'll be fun."

"Yeah... yeah okay..."

"Great!" Sokka turned to leave.

"Hey, what's going on with you and Toph?" Aang asked as he put his suitcase away.

Sokka turned towards his friend, "What... do you mean?"

"You guys seem different around each other. I just figured it was because you like each other but-"

"Whoa. How do you know we like each other?" Sokka asked interrupting him.

"Sokka, I've been on the run since I was twelve. I've had to learn how to read people. The body language between two suggested there was something there but now it seems..." Aang paused, "...Did you two have sex?"

Sokka sighed and sat on Aang's bed, "Yeah... we did last night before the Red Lotus stuff. Just don't tell Katara, I don't know how she'd react to her older brother screwing her best friend."

"I understand. When Katara and I first did it, I was a little worried at how you'd react to your best friend doing it with your little sister." Aang replied, "But that can't be all."

"I told her I loved her."

It was silent for a few seconds, "Wow..." Aang said sitting down next to him, "And... uh... what did she say?"

"She said she loved me too..." Sokka replied, "Zuko says I should talk to her about it..."

"Yeah you should... you should find some alone time tonight, before you guys get drunk, and talk to her."

"This early?"

"Sokka, if you don't talk about it now then you're never going to."

Sokka nodded, "Yeah, you're right.... I'll talk to her tonight."

"Thanks for coming to help me Toph." Sokka said as he and Toph walked into the wine cellar.

"No problem. You're going to need my expertise. I want to get very drunk tonight considering the recent events." Toph replied. She had a hold of his arm as he lead her through the cellar.

"Well, Zuko said it's not all wine down here so maybe we'll get lucky." Sokka said then paused before speaking again, "Speaking of recent events..." They stopped walking and turned to face each other, "I told you I loved you and you said it back..."

"And you're wondering if I meant it." Toph finished.

Sokka nodded, then remembered she couldn't see him so he said, "Yes."

"...I meant it..." Toph said, "...Did you mean it?"

"Of course I did. Love is not a word I just throw around." Sokka replied

"Wow... so what does this mean?"

"I think it means we.... love each other...."

"Well, yeah I got that Meathead."  Toph said with a small smile, "I meant for our relationship."

"I guess... we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

Toph's smile got bigger as she pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed her back and lightly pushed her up against the wall. He moved his kisses to her neck her so she moved her head to the side to give him more access. It was when his hand started to go up her shirt that she snapped back to reality.

"Sokka, I want this more than you do, but the others are waiting for us." Toph said. Sokka pulled away and nodded.

Then, he saw something on the shelf next to them and picked it up, "Cactus Juice." He read.

Toph smiled, "That'll do the job for sure."

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