Chapter Nineteen

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Sokka and Toph walked hand in hand to the bonfire that Zuko started, "We found Cactus Juice." Sokka announced as he held up a case of bottles.

The others looked at him, "Oh! And Toph and I are dating." He added with a wide smile.

"It's about time!" Katara said. Sokka looked at her surprised, "What do you mean?"

"It was pretty obvious you two liked each other." Mai replied

"Yeah... I guess it was cause even Suki saw it." Toph said

"Oh! Well why don't we get started." Sokka said as him and Toph sat down on the make-shift stone benches she had made.

"We should play a game." Zuko suggested

"What did you have in mind?" Aang asked. Zuko shrugged in response.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Toph said

"We're not twelve year olds." Mai said

"So? We can feel like kids again. Back when we had no worries."

"I don't know... the game always ends up being sexual." Katara said

Toph put her right hand up and her left hand on her heart, "You have my Earthbending word that the game will be mild and kid friendly."

"...Okay... I guess it wouldn't hurt to play."

"I've never played Truth or Dare." Aang said making the others look at him in surprise, "What? I never stayed in the same place for two long and I didn't make a lot of friends. This is the most I've made in one place."

Sokka quickly explained the rules to Aang, which he got pretty quickly, "Okay... now let's start." He said opening a bottle of Cactus Juice, "Aang, do you want the first drink?"

Aang hesitantly took the bottle, "It's okay man." Sokka said with a reassuring smile, "It'll taste bad at first but you'll get used to it."

Aang looked at the bottle before taking a quick drink. He coughed after the bottle left his lips, "Yeah, that tastes bad." He said passing the bottle to Katara.

"Guess I'll start." Toph said, "Twinkletoes since this is your first time. Truth or dare?"

"Uh... truth." Aang said

Toph smirked, "I'll let that slide since this is your first time." She said then thought for a minute, "What would you want to be if you weren't the Avatar?" The question caught Aang by surprise. He was expecting about him being the Avatar, but none like that.

"Um... I guess I'd be an archaeologist like Gyatso and my parents." He replied

"I can see that..." Toph said

"My turn!" Sokka announced, "Mai. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Mai said with a smirk.

"Excuse me while I think of a dare that won't get me killed."

"That would be wise."

Sokka thought long and hard, "I dare you to... smile for three rounds."

"Guess it could've been worse..." Mai said the sighed, "You guys better make this quick." She smiled which was strange for everyone, except Zuko, cause they've never seen her smile.

"You're turn Aang." Sokka said

"Okay um..." He scanned his friends, "Zuko. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Zuko said. Toph mumbled a word that made him glare at her.

"Um... what is the most embarrassing thing anyone has walked in on you doing?" Aang asked

Mai started laughing, probably due to the Cactus Juice, as Zuko's face went red, "Uh... well... Mai walked in on me one time while I was... pleasuring myself..."

The friends busted out laughing, "That's rough buddy!" Sokka said.

The game was pretty friendly for the next few rounds. But on the fifth round, the Cactus Juice started to affect them.

"Truth or dare?" Mai asked Aang. Of course he replied with, "Truth."

"What are three things Katara does that turns you on?" Mai asked with a smirk. Aang's face went red as Katara looked at him curiously, "Uh..."

"You gotta answer Twinkletoes!" Toph said as she finished the last of the juice that was in the bottle. Sokka then started a new bottle.

"I don't feel comfortable answering that..." Aang said

"It's the rules buddy!" Sokka replied

Aang looked at the ground, "I guess... when she... bites her lip while concentrating...." Katara blushed as Toph said, "Okay, that's one."

"Um... also when she licks her lips... and... when she traces my tattoos with her fingers..."

"And you went four months without screwing her?" Zuko asked with a smirk, "That's some serious self-control."

"Can we move on? Aang asked avoiding eye contact with everyone.

The next few rounds only the questions were dirty. The dares stayed mild. Until the tenth round when the second bottle of Cactus Juice was finished. Everyone was intoxicated and not thinking straight. They had stopped playing the game as the couples went their separate ways to makeout and do other things.

Aang woke up the next morning with a spliting headache. He groaned as he sat up. When he looked to his side, he saw Katara laying under his covers. He noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and lifted the blankets to see his underpants were still on. He heard groaning next to him and looked over to see Katara waking up.

"Aang?" She asked sitting up, "Did we do anything?"

"I don't think so. My underpants are still on." He replied as she lifted the blankets.

"Well... then you either used your hands or your mouth..." She said

"You're not wearing..." He had noticed she was still in her bra and assumed she had her underwear on too.

She shook her head and got out of bed. He blushed when he saw her bare bottom and got of bed himself. He winced in pain as his headache got worse when he stood up.

"You okay?" Katara asked concerned

"Just a headache..." Aang replied.

Katara noticed a water bottle on the bedside table and grabbed it, "I can heal it for you." She said, "Sit down."

Aang sat on the edge of the bed as she walked towards him. She uncapped the bottle and bended the water out. She made it circle his head and it started glowing.

"Mmm... that feels good." Aang said as he felt a tingling sensation.

"Seemed like you had fun last night." Katara said

"I did."

"It must be stressful being the Avatar.... with the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"It is...."

After a while, Katara made the water go back into the bottle. She wrapped her arms around him in a comforting way and pulled him closer to her. The side of his head rested on her breasts as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She placed a loving kiss on his head.

"Thank you..." Aang said

"For what?"

"Being something normal in my life... when Gyatso told me I was the Avatar... I never thought I would have a girlfriend... or a family."

"You deserve to have someone to hold you and love you... and to have friends who care about you..." Katara replied, "You've been through so much, I can see the pain in your eyes and smile. I saw a picture of you when you were younger... he had so much joy on his face. I want that joy to come back some day."

Small tears ran down his face, "I love you so much Katara." Aang said, "I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself anymore..."

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