Chapter Eleven

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Sexual content in this chapter too. There's a trigger warning here too.

Aang walked in to his girlfriend's dorm after telling Toph about Sokka. He was worried about his friend but couldn't get him to talk, so he figured Toph would be able to. But tonight, he wanted to spend it with Katara, as it could probably be the last night he could see her.

He walked to her room and saw that she was packing. He lightly knocked on the door frame to make his presence known. Katara turned around and saw him. She smiled and moved her suitcase over to her desk so he could sit on her bed. He took the invitation and sat down next to her.

"I guess we won't see each other for a few weeks." She said

"The cons of living on the other side of the city." Aang replied

"We'll talk everynight on the right?"

Aang smiled. He still didn't know if this was his last time seeing her. If he had to move again, he wouldn't be allowed to talk to his friends here as he would put them in danger. Still... he said, "Yes."

Katara smiled and closed the space between them, pressing their lips together. Their lips moved together like they were made for each other.

Their usually soft kiss quickly turned passionate at the thought of not getting to see each other for a while. Aang slipped off his jacket. He was going to make sure his last night with her, if it was, would be memorable.

He pulled away long enough to take off his shirt and kissed her again. He carefully laid her back on her bed. Then he moved his kisses to her neck, earning a moan from her.

It was when his hand went under her shirt that Katara came back to reality. She lightly pushed against his chest and he got the hint.

He removed his hand and pulled away from her neck, "Sorry... I went too far." He said as she got off the bed. He turned and sat where she had laid.

"No... it's not you..." She reassured him as she hugged herself, "It's just... when I was dating Jet... he tried to get me to have sex with him. Apparently, he was planning to do it with me whether I wanted to or not then break up with me. That's what he told his friends.
He almost got his way too... if Sokka hadn't walked in. Smellerbee had told Sokka what Jet was planning. If he had been a few seconds late... I would've lost my virginity against my will."

Aang felt anger rise up inside him. She was going to be forced against her will to do something that's sacred in his culture. He was taught that sex was supposed to only be for the person you love. And he did. He would never find anyone like her.

"If you're not ready... I understand. Something like that is not easy to recover from." Aang said

Katara turned to look at him. In his beautiful grey eyes, she could see that he truly cared for her. He was very respectful towards her. He wouldn't have sex with her and leave. He wasn't Jet.

She walked back over to him and straddled him. He looked at her a little surprised as she removed her shirt. She kissed him as he wrapped his arms around her waist. His hand moved up to unclasped her bra and removed it.

He trailed soft kisses to her breasts and took them in his hands. She moaned as his calloused hands needed her breasts. Her hands rested on his chest as he leaned forward and took on of her buds in his mouth.

She moaned again moved her hips which caused him to return the moan. She smirked lightly when she realized that she could feel something in his pants poking her privates. She began to grind against him as he sucked on her breast. The both of them becoming moaning messes.

Aang trailed his other hand down to her butt and squeezed it causing her to gasp. He seemed to experienced and she wondered if he had done this before. He had moved around a lot growing up.

When he pulled away from her breasts, he flipped them over so he was on top again. He unbuttoned her jeans and looked at her. She nodded, giving him permission, and he pulled bother her pants and underwear off.

He sat there for a minute, admiring her naked body. He thought she looked so beautifully she could be a goddess. He almost couldn't believe his first time was going to be with her.

Katara noticed he was staring at her and blushed. She sat up to get closer to him and unbuttoned his jeans. Aang helped her take his jeans and underpants off. She stared at his size before pushing him back on the bed.

He watched as she leaned down towards his manhood. He moaned lightly when he felt her hot breath against him. Then she took his length in her mouth.

He moaned and gribbed the sheets when she started sucking. He involuntarily moved his head back as the pleasure coarsed through him. When she put him all the way in her mouth and sucked harder, he gripped the headboard with both hands.

Katara smirked as she watched him fall apart. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to do this. Since she started dating him, she would picture what his reactions would be. But she was always too scared to make the first move on him.

When she figured he was close to his finish, she pulled away. She watched as he recovered from the pleasure. His chest moved up and down as his arms rested just above his head. This was the hottest she's ever seen him. He looked up at her and got back into his sitting position. She straddled him again. That was when he flipped them over again.

Aang smirked at her as he positioned himself at her entrance. He laced their fingers together as he slowly entered her and she gasped at the sudden pain. He kissed her softly as tears formed in her eyes.

She pulled away from the kiss, "Go..." She said when the pain started to fade.

When he started to thrust, the pain came back, but only for a few seconds. She moaned and mumbled for him him to go faster. The pleasure got better when he went faster.

She arched her back as her fingers tangled themselves in his hair. He kissed her neck as he continued his speed. Though he got bolder and thrusted harder into her.

He tangled his own fingers in her hair and lightly tugged at it. She gasped and lightly tugged at his hair in return. She felt him bite her neck and she gasped again.

The sudden roughness surprised her cause he's usually so gentle. But she loved it. She loved this side of him even more than the sight of pleasuring him.

Soon, she had reached her climax. But he hadn't. When she released the pressure that was built up in a form of white substance, he kept going. Though he slowed down so he wouldn't push her too hard.

She heard him moan next to her ear as she felt him release inside her. They both panted hard. Aang pulled out of her and laid down beside her as he caught his breath.

Then realization hit him. They hadn't used protection, and he released while inside her.

"Um... I don't want to ruin the moment... but we didn't use any protection..." Aang said

"That's okay... I started taking birth control when we started dating." She replied

He gave her a smug grin, "So... were you planning on having this happen earlier?"

She blushed, "No... my grandma just has me take them while I'm dating cause she doesn't want me to give her grandkids yet. She said 'I was a teenager once too' as she handed me the pills." Aang laughed and kissed her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her.

"What about you? You seemed pretty experienced. Have many girlfriends during your travels?" She asked with a smirk.

Now it was his turn to blush, "No. You're my first girlfriend. I was just running on instinct."

"So instinct told you to be rough?"

He gave her a sheepish grin. She giggled and pecked his lips before resting her head on his chest.

"I love you." Aang whispered

Katara smiled, "I love you too..."

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