Chapter Forty-Two

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"Guard come quick!" Zuko called in his best worried voice.

The guard opened the viewing window, "What is it!?"

"My friend is having an allergic reaction!" Zuko replied, motioning to Katara who was faking an allergic reaction.

The guards had brought them dinner and they saw it as a perfect opportunity to escape. Sokka planned the whole thing. Katara would fake an allergic reaction to pepper and Zuko would call the guard while Toph hid next to the door to knock out the guards.

The guard looked at Katara and Zuko glared at him, "Do you want to be the reason one of Azula's prisoners died on your watch!?"

The guard looked scared before he closed the viewing window. They heard the sound of keys unlocking the door and it soon opened up. He stepped in and Toph earthbended the floor up to knock him into the wall. Another guard ran in and Sokka hit him with their food tray.

"Let's go get Aang." Sokka said as he tossed the tray aside.

Katara grabbed the keys from the guards as they ran out. Zuko closed the door and she locked it before they made their way down the hall.

"Do you think Aang's still in the room Azula took you to?" Toph asked.

"If she's using him to get an heir to the throne, she would keep him in her room." Zuko said, "She's probably timed when he wakes up so she'll be there to go for another round."

"Isn't she a little young to be getting pregnant?" Toph asked as they made it to the entrance of the dungeons.

"All my sister cares about is power. She doesn't care who she hurts to get it."

"That doesn't matter right now." Sokka said, "We need to focus getting Aang. Toph and I will create a distraction. Zuko will go get Appa. Katara, you go get Aang."

The others nodded in agreement to the plan. Sokka and Toph ran out of the dungeons, getting the attention of the guards. The distraction gave Zuko the chance to run out and begin his way to Appa.

Katara waited a moment before running to where she hoped Aang was. She recognized the corridors she was running down and picked up her pace. She had to get to Aang.

She stopped when she got to the door. She stood in front of it and reached out with a shaking hand to open the door. With a deep breath, she turned the door knob and opened it.

Katara gasped when she saw Aang sleeping peacefully on the bed. She ran up to him and saw that he was still naked.

"Aang." Katara said softly as she shook him. He groaned in response and she shook him harder, "Aang!"

Aang opened his eyes a little, "Katara?"

Katara smiled, "Hey sweetie, we have to go. Come on, get dressed."

Katara helped him get up and get dressed, letting him lean against her.

"Try and stay awake long enough for us to get out of here." Katara said as she put his arm around her shoulder and put her arm around his waist.

Her and Aang walked out of the room. Katara looked around before making her way to the palace courtyard with Aang. Then she saw a shadow coming down the corridor. She gasped and looked around for a hiding place. She found none and prepared to attack who it was.

Sokka turned around the corner and Katara sighed in relief. He rushed up to them and got on the other side of Aang.

"I got him." Sokka said as he copied the way Katara held Aang up, "You go ahead of us to fight any guards."

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