The Caves

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Bella turned to see a massive hole in the ground it was brightly lit with crystals of all kinds.
The cave had a path going straight down through it .
"Well I guess we go in then" George said as she gazed at the cave,
"Yup," Bella said with a blank expression.
They walked slowly into the cave gazing at the beautiful crystals that lined the walls of the cave,. They walked until the hit a dead end,
"What?" Bella said confused,
"The map says this is the way," She continued,
Bella walked backwards in confusion and leaned on a nearby wall as she did this she began to sink into the wall. Slowly the stone wall that stood in front of them began to separate revealing another one hundred metres of cave left from what they could see.

After walking all the way down to the bottom of the cave they began to hear a little tapping sound,
"What's that," Bella whispered,
"I don't know," George replied, He felt obliged to whisper back when someone whispered to him.
They ignored this sound and continued to walk to the bottom. They started to get annoyed when the saw another stone wall. They began to feel everywhere hoping that they would push something just like Bella did on the previous wall and it would open again. George took the left side and Bella took the right. But after feeling the walls they discovered no button. George walked back about one step and his foot began to sink into the ground. He had found it!
"Ah!" He screamed as he lost his balance.
Bella rushed over to help him up but George stood up very embarrassed.
"Your face is turning red!" Bella giggled,
"Aw George are you embarrassed," Bella again mocked him,
"Oh shut up!" George said with his face still bright red,
Bella looked George in the eyes and George glared back within seconds the pair burst out laughing and squealing, they rolled around the floor giggling at the previous moments when Gizmo joined in. He jumped all over the pair with excitement when they stood up and dusted themselves off.

They walked through the gap in the wall to discover three paths. The first path headed up, The second would take them down and the third would take them straight ahead.
Bella felt a tingling sensation in her stomach and immediately blurted out,
"What?" George said very confused,
"There is no right path," He continued,
" I know I don't know why I said that," Bella explained,
"So what do we choose?" Asked George,
"How about we try straight ahead," Bella suggested,
"Ok" George said as he picked up Gizmo just incase. They would through when it began to get extremely hot and bright. Bella stopped and George carried on walking. George stopped and looked over the edge, he immediately walked back to Bella with a concerned look on his face,
"What is wrong?" Asked Bella,
"Lava, there was tons of it," George exclaimed still quite taken aback,
"Well that's definitely not the right way then," Bella joked,
"Yes," George agreed with a smile on his face.
They carried on back to the other paths and began to decide what path they should take next.

After a few minutes of decision making they finally decided they were going to take the path that would take them up in the cave.
Bella picked up Gizmo after seeing what was beyond last time and began to walk with George,
They walked through the little opening and began to cautiously walk forward.
They reached the end and discovered a little cart with a leaver next to it,
"What is this?" George said as he panned around the room to see where he was,
"Look It's a mine cart George!" Bella exclaimed,
"And what exactly is that?" He replied confused,
"It's a little cart the miners would use to get around the mines," Bella explained,
"Ah so that's what this is, a mine," George said with a sudden realisation,
"Yes stupid!" Bella giggled,
Bella put Gizmo down on the ground and he immediately began to jump on Bella wanting to get back up. This knocked Bella off balance and she toppled over into the mine cart.
"Haha!" George laughed as he looked at Bellas embarrassed face,
"Oh do shut up," Bella giggled,
She began to adjust herself to make it easier to get out the mine cart when her back hit the leaver next to it. She immediately slid down the track in her mine cart screaming away.

George picked up Gizmo as fast as he could and dumped his stuff in the mine cart before him. He then sat himself in another mine cart a pulled the big leaver,
"We are coming Bella!" He shouted down the track hoping Bella would head.
As he rode down the track turning and shifting he realised how beautiful the cave truly was.
He held Gizmo tight and closed his eyes for the rest of this exhilarating ride and opened them when he reached the end,
"Oh my goodness!" He gasped,
"That was fast," Bella replied,
"Yes, it most certainly was," George agreed,

As they continued to speak Gizmo being his curious self began to explore the little room they had ended up in. He jumped up on all the little tables placed randomly around the room. He would jump on one table and leap on to another.
He did this for a few minutes until the pair finally noticed him,
"Gizmo!" They shouted as the laughed at the little puppy innocently running around the room,

They then realised the table placed around and thought to themselves how hungry they were.
They both sat down at the table closest to the mine carts and pulled out some lunch.

Once they finished their lunch which consisted of two bags of choogle berries and a sandwich each.
They walked over to the pile of stuff that still laid in the mine cart and began to organise it a bit better. Once they finished this little job they picked up their stuff and walked out of the room.
They walked and walked and walked for what felt like forever when they began to hear a little jingling sound from Gizmos collar.
Bella walked over to discover a little black key on Gizmo collar that never used to be there previous. Bella took the key off his collar and placed it in her pocket. She and George continued to walk when they reached another room but this time the room had a little treasure chest situated in the middle of the room...

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