Questions and answers

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In a quaint house in a quaint tree in a quaint forest there lived Bella.
Now,Bella is a fairy, In fact a very ordinary fairy who lives a very ordinary life but, that very ordinary life is soon about to changed with two words.
One very normal day Bella was hanging up her young daughter Ellie's lily pad boots. As she did this she thought to her self how lucky she was to have such a beautiful daughter. Who as she thought was probably wanting her food.
Bella ran inside to check up on her daughter when suddenly she stopped,
"Ellie!" She said shocked " What have you done!"
Ellie had spilled her chocolate mushrooms all over the living room floor and was sitting very innocently at the time.
"What mummy?" She said confused, "oh that,
that's just a small mess mummy I'm sure you can clean it up"
"Excuse me Ellie?" She said very disappointed,
"That is not how this works in this house, you will clean this up and later we can have a little chat about your behaviour."
"Yes Mummy" she said as she started to understand Mummy was not ok with her little stunt.

Later that evening Bella started thinking to herself how odd it was for Ellie to act in this way as it was very out of her little angel Ellie's character.
You see Ellie was a very well behaved girl who excelled in school and was very polite, Or so she thought but Ellie had no reason to act in this way.
This information was repeating in her head when it became to much to handle and she shouted Ellie downstairs.
"Ellie!" Shouted Bella, "Come downstairs my dear!"
"Yes mummy!" Said Ellie very obediently.
Ellie made her way down the stairs and sat across from her mum on the old kitchen table Bellas grandfather had made so long ago.
"Now Ellie my dear what made you act that way this afternoon it is not in your character" She said in a very calm tone.
"Well mummy I don't quite know but," she stuttered,
"Well at school all the other fairy's were writing Father's Day cards and well I didn't have anyone to write it to" she said
"Oh" Bella said
Bellas head started spinning she dreaded this day since she picked Ellie's pod when she was only little.
She remembered all the married couples together picking the pods that would complete their already perfect family. Oh how sad she felt that day.
"Well Ellie, um I don't quite know what you want me to say," she said frightened "Never speak this to me again as much as it may puzzle you I don't want to hear it!" She started to realise how forward she was being and began to lower her voice,
"Now darling I think it would do you good if you got to sleep my love, Goodnight and I'm extremely sorry for raising my voice" she said with as much love as she could to calm her very visible startled daughter down.
"Mummy it's fine" she replied "I love you Mummy and Goodnight."

This chat ended in a way not intended at all by Bella and know having raised her voice at her daughter she felt it may be time to start heading to bed as well she tied her wings together in a bow and went straight to bed.
As she lay she started to ponder
"Why didn't I find the one"
She stopped as the thought about her life with a significant other overwhelmed her with joy.
It just wasn't fair how everyone's fairy watch lit up and they found there soulmate and Bellas well it never  did.

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